Émilien talks about what we don’t see on TV in Les 12 coups de midi

Émilien talks about what we don’t see on TV in Les 12 coups de midi
Émilien talks about what we don’t see on TV in Les 12 coups de midi

An inveterate gamer and passionate about general knowledge, Émilien thrives so much in The 12 strokes of noon that he does not intend to leave anytime soon. Another factor may also fuel this headlong rush, as he reveals to us.

Émilien must hate short stories! In love with Jessica since 2020, the only boy in a family of three children has been nurturing a passionate love story with her for a year now The 12 strokes of noon. Immersed in the show thanks to lunches shared with his grandparents, the greatest Midday Master in the history of the game does not intend to stop there. Motivated by the idea of ​​responding to “new questions“, he admits that another factor also comes into play in his desire to continue his journey in the game.

We create affinities” : Emilien (The 12 strokes of noon) evokes the shadow workers of 12 noon strikes

During a subject dedicated to him in the magazine 50′ Inside On TF1, viewers were able to discover what goes on behind the scenes. Before starting the recordings, the champion walks the corridors of the studios to his dressing room.We meet the same people with whom we create affinities“, he notes during an interview with Tele-Leisure. In the report, the production members even noted that the young man had evolved.He is more relaxed, he goes more towards people and he smiles more.“, described Véronique, the makeup artist.

This can affect the desire to stay.” : why Émilien does everything to avoid being eliminated from the 12 noon strikes

In this caring environment, which echoes the comments already made by Céline, ex-Maître de noon, the candidates inevitably feel happy.This can affect the desire to stay.“, adds Émilien. The History student at the Faculty of does not, however, see this as a key element of his motivation.”The desire to play was already there before I knew them“, he tempers, true to himself and his passion for general knowledge quizzes. Despite everything, this very human aspect of the people who work in the studio where the recordings are made still pleases the young man a lot.”In any case, It helps make filming sessions very enjoyable.” he concluded in a benevolent tone.



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