Meet the new chef for your mornings on 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine: Luc Tignol

Meet the new chef for your mornings on 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine: Luc Tignol
Meet the new chef for your mornings on France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine: Luc Tignol

Luc Tignol is the new chef on the show Vous êtes formidables. His background, his love of products, his reworked regional recipes, he has agreed to share his secrets.

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Monday to Friday at 9.05 on France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine, You are amazing presented by Vanessa Finot comes to your home.

For this new season, the show that does good in New Aquitaine welcomes a new columnist. Luc Tignol takes charge of the show’s kitchen.

What do the four seasons, rugby, animal welfare and its cuisine have in common? To find out more, Luc Tignol agreed to answer our questions.

What is your background?

I started cooking ten years ago, with training in a gourmet restaurant. What motivates me every day is making my loved ones proud, taking on challenges day after day and learning as much as I can.

I started by joining the ranks of the best restaurant in my city at the time. My relatives had never worked in the restaurant business and warned me that the environment would be difficult, but I set myself the goal of learning and working day and night to refine my cuisine, my vision, my gestures.

Since the beginning, I have never questioned my mission: my quest for a cuisine that makes sense.

My family was immersed in the values ​​of rugby through my grandfather who was a player in the French rugby team and at Stade Toulousain. I was rocked by these values: generosity at the table, big meals where the whole family gets together, and my father who is a model of resilience and combativeness – or “the niaque” as we would say in my country.
I set myself the goal of expressing myself through cooking, being an eternal shy person who always questions himself.

I am part of the family of cooks who never tire of creating and who express their art through gestures and the movement of their hands on the material.
I dream of the restaurant of tomorrow, which would be self-sufficient in vegetables and fruits, which would organize its menus according to the harvests, which would use its waste to create its dishes, its furniture, its decor, and would revalue everything as art.

Using zero waste and implementing smart initiatives would be the pillars of a restaurant that is as progressive as possible for our wonderful profession of nourishment.

Your column in “You are wonderful” is greedy, how do you build it?

I put the product first: seasonal vegetables and fruits. The best cookbook exists in nature, it is the four seasons.

I work my recipes based on vegetables from the market and from market gardeners.

What I love about plants is that it allows you to change jobs every three months.

Otherwise, I obviously use local products and I highlight recipes that I like above all, sometimes with a story about the region.

I love reworking regional recipes from our beautiful land and revisiting them in my own way.

Nouvelle-Aquitaine is an extraordinary playground for chefs, what are the products that you enjoy working with and for what reasons?

I am a passionate traveling chef, originally from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and its exceptional products. My mission is to enhance the region’s products, after nine years spent traveling the territory to meet producers and artisans.

I would say that, for me, a beautiful old tomato or the colors of vegetables in summer are magnificent, because there is no need for a lot of gestures or artifice.

In autumn, it is the time to pick chestnuts, hazelnuts, mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, but also root vegetables such as turnips and beets. It is a season when we start to crave comfort, warmth, and when we stock up for the winter.
In winter, there are dishes in sauce, simmered by the fire for hours, gratins in the oven, small stuffed dishes and soups.

I also like working with exceptional and rare products, such as Périgord truffles.

However, for me, the real luxury is knowing who produced my vegetables from A to Z or knowing how the animal proteins I use were raised.

I am always looking to discover nuggets, passionate artisans. If you would like me to highlight your products, do not hesitate to contact me by email or on Instagram. Follow my news on my social networks as well as advice for the recipes of the show.

Mornings that bring us together and resemble us

Monday to Friday from 6.30 a.m. ICI Matin, the first news meeting on France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine, allows you to start the day by getting informed in a good mood thanks to the filmed morning shows from the nine France Bleu stations in the region / HERE Morning Limousin, HERE Morning Hollow, ICI Matin , ICI Morning Poitou, HERE Morning , HERE Morning Gascony, ICI Matin Bearn Bigorre, HERE Morning Perigord, ICI Morning Basque Country,

To continue to accompany your morning from 9.05 You are amazing takes over and shares with you the best of what is done in New Aquitaine with each day a guest who is necessarily… formidable.



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