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Influencer Sally denounces Air and the aggression she allegedly suffered from hostesses during a Rio flight

In an Instagram video, the influencer describes having been “aggressively grabbed” and a crew that would “have ganged up on her”. While announcing that it has filed a complaint, Air says it is conducting an internal investigation.

“I was in shock. The videographer Crazy Sally, whose Instagram account has almost a million subscribers, denounced in a video that she had been attacked by an Air France stewardess, then taken to task by all the flight attendants who would have “conspired against her before calling the police.

“I am making this video so that Air France reacts, because […] I’m lucky to have a strong community and my voice can be heard. But I put myself in the place of all the people who have lived these experiences, and who do not have a great visibility on the social networks like me […] and who have experienced these injustices in silence” said the influencer in her video, to see below, which garnered nearly 250,000 likes in less than 24 hours.

“She came to attack me twice, she has no right to touch me”

Detailing the circumstances of her alleged attack, Sally explains that during a long-haul flight between Brazil and France, a flight attendant was said to be very aggressive with her on several occasions. “She allows herself to aggressively grab my hand […] and she tells meYour phone ! You put it in airplane mode. I look at her in shock, because I couldn’t believe she had allowed herself to touch me. »

In a video extract of the scene filmed by the content creator, other passengers testify in its direction. “You grabbed his arm violently” one of them exclaims, addressing the accused stewardess.

As the flight comes to an end, the influencer describes having been attacked again by this same hostess. “When I landed, I was sleeping […] I had my blanket over my head […] this stewardess came in, she ripped off my blanket so I woke up suddenly, and she was yelling at me. »

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“The police are waiting for you on arrival”

The matter does not end there. Sally continues her story by explaining that she called the flight attendant to account, who would then have involved her hierarchy.

“His manager […] throw me a notebook marked on itviolent passengers face penalties. They tell me […] that they will call the police for me, as if I were a criminal. […] The whole crew started ganging up [contre moi] […] to write a report on me, reversing the facts by saying that it was I who was aggressive, that it was I who attacked the hostess. » Despite the interventions of other passengers in her direction, audible in the video, when she leaves the plane after landing, police officers are waiting for her: they have been called by the flight attendants.

“I was in tears to see how you can end up in front of the police for nothing, how much they can lie […]. It sent shivers down my spine to have such an experience. When I gave my version of the facts to the police, even they did not understand why we had made them move for that. » She also testifies to the intervention of the captain, who would have grabbed her by the arm while making aggressive remarks to her.

A report “taken seriously” by Air France

“It was out of the question for me to let this go, I contacted my lawyer and I filed a complaint”, announces the influencer in her video. Sally concludes her speech with a call to all people who have experienced similar situations on the company to share their stories of injustice on Air France flights.

For many commentators under Sally’s video, the influencer’s story and the footage show that she is a victim of racism. “The experience of being black…the familiarity that people allow themselves with you. We touch you, we attack you verbally [parce qu’ils et elles] know very well that nothing will happen to them”writes for example a person on Instagram.

These accusations of racism, however, are not directly made by Sally in her video. It is not known, moreover, at the time of writing these lines, if the complaint announced by Sally to have filed mentions potential racist acts on the part of the Air France staff concerned.

Contacted by The HuffPostthe airline does not respond directly to Sally’s video, but indicated that it was conducting an internal investigation to trace the facts: “Air France has taken note of the video testimony of a customer declaring that she was attacked by a crew member on board a flight from Brazil. The facts related by this passenger do not in any way correspond to the standards of personalized attention and dedicated service that our teams owe to all our customers. Our cabin crew are committed to serving all of our passengers in a spirit of respect and kindness. Air France takes this report very seriously and immediately contacted the passenger. The company’s teams are currently collecting all the information relating to this flight in order to understand this event. »

See also on The HuffPost :

Air France targeted by a complaint for “greenwashing” with 16 other airlines

Capucine Anav reframed on BFMTV on its anti-wave “patches”

VIDEO – 5 things to know about Air France


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