A remonstrance implicitly addressed to Olaf Scholz. The social democratic chancellor, whose military support for Ukraine has been up and down since the Russian offensive of February 2022, has been blocking an additional envelope for kyiv for several days.
The discussion concerns 3 billion euros, planned in principle for this year, but financing for which is proving difficult to find.
“Who will pay the bill?” asked the Chancellor. He explained that he did not want to further burden the 2025 budget without knowing “at whose expense we will have to save”, saying he feared for the finances of municipalities or pensions.
First conducted behind the scenes, the debate transformed into open conflict with his head of diplomacy, the ecologist Annalena Baerbock. And, in a more subdued way, with his Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius, even though he is a member of his social-democratic party.
– Upheavals –
This controversy crowns three years during which Ukraine shook up the situation in Germany, notably pushing the country to end its energy alliance with Moscow and to initiate rearmament.