This Monday, January 20 in the morning, staff and students at the Marseilleveyre high school, located in the 8th arrondissement of Marseille, discovered inscriptions of a sexual, xenophobic and political nature in three classrooms. Management filed a complaint this Wednesday, January 22 to try to find the perpetrators.
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“Death to the Arabs“, “Bardella 2027, to death the gauchiasse.“The students of Marseilleveyre discovered these inscriptions of a racist and sexual nature, this Monday, January 20, on the walls of three rooms of the school. A complaint was filed by the high school principal, this Wednesday, January 22.
Surprise this Monday, January 20 in the morning when an agent from the Marseilleveyre high school, in the 8th arrondissement, discovered three ransacked classrooms. On the paintings, several written inscriptions: “Death to the Arabs“, “Bardella 2027, to death the gauchiasse“, and drawn phalluses. A sink was also found filled with excrement.
duration of video: 00h00mn06s
“Bardella 2027, death to the gauchiasse”, inscriptions inciting hatred found in one of the classrooms of the Marseilleveyre high school this Monday, January 20, 2024.
©image amateur
In this anonymous video that we received, we can hear the incomprehension of this professor challenged by these comments inciting hatred. “I don’t think they are students from here. I don’t hope though“, she expresses to her students.
-Laurent Malfettes from the FCPE union (Federation of Parent Teacher Councils) explains to us that this is the first time that these acts of vandalism have occurred within the high school. “Social diversity is real here. Living together works well. We cannot imagine that this was done by students of the establishment.“For him, these facts should not be trivialized.”In town, you see them on every wall. This is rarer in an establishment that should remain a sanctuary“, he continues.
The colleagues are shocked and appalled by what happened.
Marion Chopinet, academic secretary SNES FSU Aix-Marseilleat France 3 Provence-Alpes
An isolated act, but increasingly trivialized speeches. “We have certain echoes in the establishment of colleagues who are challenged by far-right comments from students. Before, there was a sort of ban. There the barriers were lifted“, explains Marion Chopinet, academic secretary of SNES FSU Aix-Marseille, who condemns “with the greatest firmness“.
In an email sent to all parents of students, management specifies that no lock was broken to enter these three classrooms. These inscriptions were, according to the principal, undoubtedly made this Friday, January 17.”between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. when classes are fewer“, the alarm not having sounded the previous weekend. Although the teachers confirmed to management that they had closed their classrooms, questions remain about how the perpetrators got in.
The principal of the establishment filed a complaint this Wednesday evening. An investigation is underway to find the perpetrators of these acts of vandalism and determine the circumstances.
At the same time, the school is considering “an adequate program on promoting the principles of fraternity and solidarity“, as well as a time for discussion between students and their teachers to discuss these acts of a racist and sexual nature.
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