Code Geass is an anime that has become cult, notably thanks to its ending. Lelouch, its protagonist, pretended to be a tyrant to attract the hatred of the world before organizing his own death to take it with him. But did Lelouch really die in the last episode or was it all just a set-up? Seriously explains.
First broadcast between 2006 and 2007, and now available on the Crunchyroll platform, Code Geass tells the adventure of Lelouch Lamperouge, a young student living in Japan after its annexation by the Holy Roman Empire of Britania. However, it is in reality a prince in exile from the empire and he is ready to do anything to take his revenge and become the next emperor. One day, while walking with a friend, Lelouch witnesses a road accident. When no one knew how to react, he decided to help potentially injured people.
Once he arrives near the truck, Lelouch hears a voice in his head and meets a mysterious woman by the name of CC She offers to him offer a power, the Geasswhich will allow him to give an order to any person in his field of vision. Thanks to this new ability and his intelligence, which makes him one of the most brilliant anime characters, Lelouch is convinced that he will finally be able to put his plan into action.
But the main reason why Code Geass has become a cult anime, this is its end. If you haven’t seen it yet, pay attention, because the rest will spoil. In the final episode, Lelouch succeeds in his goal and becomes the 98th Holy Roman Emperor of Britania. And, once he has attracted the attention and hatred of the world to himself, he asks his best friend to take the role of the savior of humanity and kill him during a public parade. Thus, all conflicts would disappear with him, leaving the world at peace. On the other hand, a final plan sows doubt about the real death of the new emperor!
A fake death to save the world?
After witnessing Lelouch’s death, Code Geass enters his prologue and shows that his plan was a success and may the world have happy days. We can then see CC, Lelouch’s partner lying on the hay in the back of a cart, the driver of which has his face hidden. And while she finishes a tirade about the power of Geass, she concludes with these words: “Right, Lelouch?” »
-Doubt was then cast among fans, with some claiming that ultimately the emperor had staged his death before retiring away from the world. Questioned on this subject by the Japanese magazine Continue, Ichirō Ōkouchi, theone of the screenwriters of Code Geass, settled the question : “Lelouch states in the first episode: “Only those who are ready to be shot are allowed to pull the trigger themselves. » If you were to consider that his pride, then I think the him getting killed at the end was a logical ending. »
Lelouch present in the sequel to Code Geass ?
This story could have ended there, Lelouch’s death is questioned again in 2019 when the film was released Code Geass : Lelouch of the Re;surrection. With this title, there is no room for doubt, Lelouch is indeed backand this, while the events take place a year after those at the end of the anime. But, even in the film, the last emperor of Britania was indeed dead, but is resurrected by CC before experiencing new adventures together.
However, Code Geass : Lelouch of the Re;surrection is not in reality not a direct sequel to the anime Code Geass. It is the sequel to three films summarizing the events of Code Geassbut with some variations, making a timeline parallel to that of the main story. If we stay on that of the anime, Lelouch is therefore indeed dead sacrificing herself for humanity, CC only talking to herself while remembering her friend. But, if you are interested in this other timeline, a sequel to Code Geass : Lelouch of the Re;surrectiontitled Code Geass: Rozé of the Recaptureis available on the Disney + platform!
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