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Price of a pack of cigarettes: tax, margin and increase


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How is the price of tobacco set in ?

Tobacco manufacturer’s selling price

Tobacco manufacturers or importers offer a retail price for their products. This price includes their production cost, their commercial margins and mandatory taxes. This price is subject to approval by the French authorities, in particular the General Directorate of Customs and Indirect Duties, which verifies its conformity.

Tobacconist margins

The price of tobacco has three main components. Among these is the tobacconist’s margin, generally between 8 and 10% of the total cost. Added to this is the manufacturer’s margin of around 15%.

State taxes

As for state taxes, they represent 75 to 80% of the sale of cigarettes (around 40% for cigars). The tobacconist is subject to taxation which varies depending on the retail price. It includes two taxes:

These taxes are determined by the government within the framework of budgetary laws and are often increased to discourage tobacco consumption.

Excise on tobacco

The excise on tobacco is levied directly on the quantities produced or imported and not based on the value added to a product during its sale. The amount of excise duty is equal to the greater of the following two amounts:

  • The sum of the product of the excise rate expressed as a percentage of the retail selling price, added to the excise rate expressed in euros for 1,000 units or 1,000 grams.
  • The minimum collection (minimum tax).

If the sum of the excise rate and the tariff is lower than the minimum collection, then the latter applies.

VAT (value added tax)

Sales by tobacconists, as well as the discounts granted to them, are not subject to VAT. The VAT rate, integrated into the retail price, amounts to 16,66 %. Furthermore, each manager of a tobacco shop in mainland France benefits from a 10.19% discount on the retail sale of all types of tobacco. In Corsica, this discount is 11.323%.

Single price throughout the territory

Once fixed, the price of tobacco is uniform throughout the metropolitan territory. Retailers, like tobacconists, are required to sell at the approved price, under penalty of sanctions.

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What is the average price of a pack of 20 cigarettes in France?

As of January 1, 2025, the price of tobacco has increased significantly. The increase differs between manufacturers and products. She can go up to 1 euro on a classic 20 unit pack of cigarettes. The symbolic bar of 12.50 euros per package was crossed. This increase will be followed by a new increase from February 1. From 20 to 30 cents, it only concerns certain brands of cigarettes (Gauloises blondes, Dunhill, Fortuna, etc.), the price of packets of which will now be around 13 euros.

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How much does a pack of Marlboro, Camel, Lucky Strike… cost in France?

As of February 1, 2025, the price of a pack of cigarettes in France is between 12 and 13 euros. In detail, here are the new indicative prices applied according to the brands:

  • Camel Filters : 12,50 euros.
  • Lucky Strike : 12,50 euros.
  • Dunhill rouge : 13,50 euros.
  • Philip Morris : 12,50 euros.
  • Marlboro Red : 13 euros.
  • Winston Blue : 12,50 euros.
  • Peter Stuyvesant : 13 euros.
  • Rothmans : 12,50 euros.
  • Vogue L’Originale: 13.00 euros.
  • Winfield : 12,50 euros.
  • Chesterfield Original : 12,50 euros.

These prices are valid for a package of 20 cigarettes, in a rigid or flexible pack. The complete list of prices for cigarette packets is available on the website.

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How much does rolling tobacco cost in 2025?

As of February 1, 2025, the prices of rolling tobacco in France increased, with variations depending on the brand and packaging. Here are some examples of prices for 30 gram jokes:

  • Flower of the country (30 g): 18.15 euros.
  • Lucky Strike Red original (30g) : 17,50 euros.
  • Philip Morris (30 g) : 18,15 euros.
  • Drum (Bleu & Blanc) : 18,70 euros.

These increases are part of a general trend of rising tobacco prices, aimed at reducing consumption and offsetting inflation.

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How much will the price of tobacco increase in 2025?

Tobacco prices adjusted according to the inflation rate

Since January 1, 2023, the increase in tobacco prices has been directly linked to the new taxation introduced by public authorities. According to the provisions of the Social Security Financing Law, the government has decided to adjust the price of cigarettes according to the inflation rate of the previous year and no longer to that of year N-2.

In practice, each year, the State adjusts the taxation of tobacco products according to the annual change in consumer prices observed the previous year.

Several increases planned for February and March 2025

Price reviews are scheduled at several times throughout the year. After the increase on January 1, 2025, further adjustments are planned. On February 1, prices will increase by 20 to 50 cents. Not all brands are affected. Here are some examples:

  • Dunhill red 20 units, from 13.20 to 13.50 euros;
  • Fortuna Bleu 20 units, from 11.70 to 11.90 euros;
  • Gauloises Blondes Rouget et Bleu 20 units, 12.30 euros to 12.50 euros;
  • rolling tobacco Lucky Strike Original 30 g, from 17.40 to 17.50 euros.

As of March 1, 2025, a moderate increase is expected, probably between 0.50 and 0.75 additional euro cents per package. Further revisions may take place in June, September and/or November.

Outlook for the years to come

The government plans to continue its policy of gradually increasing tobacco prices, with the aim of reaching an average price of 13 euros per pack of cigarettes by 2026. This approach aims to discourage tobacco consumption and encourage smokers to consider cessation solutions.

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What has changed in the average price of a pack of 20 cigarettes since the 2000s?

Three euros a packet in 2000

At the start of the 2000s, the price of a pack of cigarettes was around three euros, on average. Since then, the increases have continued. In 2004, you had to pay five euros. 16 years later, a standard pack of 20 cigarettes cost ten euros.

26 euros per package in 2040

As for the price increase, it is expected to continue. With an average increase of 5% over ten years, France intends to set a price of 20 euros within ten years. It should reach 26 euros in 2040.

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In which countries in Europe are the cheapest packs of cigarettes?

Andorra, Spain, Luxembourg, Italy…

Whether they are member nations of the European Union or not, certain border countries offer attractive pricing compared to France. This is the case in Andorra, Spain, Luxembourg and Italy where the price of a pack of cigarettes is between four and six euros.

Belgium, Germany, Switzerland…

As for Belgium, Germany and Switzerland, these countries maintain a cost of less than ten euros. Hence the evolution of the legislation in force, such as the financing law and the strengthening of the resources allocated to French customs to fight against cigarette trafficking.

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Why are the prices of cigarette packs increasing?

Rising prices to fight against smoking

This increase in pricing takes into account public health issues. In France, it is estimated that more than 75,000 annual deaths are due to smoking. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable mortality, cancer mortality and mortality before age 65.

Anti-smoking measures

In this context, in 2014 the State launched a tobacco control policy, the National Tobacco Reduction Program (PNRT). It allowed the implementation of actions and investments, starting with the increase in prices. Among the measures taken, we can focus on:

  • the ban on smoking in public places;
  • the neutral cigarette packet, without distinction of brand;
  • the organization of prevention and awareness campaigns;
  • supporting professionals with a view to developing their activity…

Environmental impact of tobacco

Cigarette butts represent 35% of waste collected in public spaces. They contain toxic chemicals that pollute soil and water. Tobacco manufacturers are subject to specific taxes to contribute to the collection and processing of cigarette butts.

In addition, several municipalities have established tobacco-free zones, such as beaches, parks, and schools, to limit the environmental and social impact of consumption.

Case of electronic cigarettes

Another issue is reducing the attractiveness of tobacco for young people. A bill tabled in March 2024 aims to prohibit the manufacture, sale and distribution of disposable electronic cigarettes, also called “puffs”.

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When was the ban on smoking in public places implemented?

A ban dating from 2007

The ban on smoking in public places has been in effect since February 1, 2007. It concerns all covered or closed places for collective use. For example, health establishments, schools, workplaces, such as public administration or even companies in the private sector. This also applies to public transport.

A space dedicated to smokers possible

In certain circumstances, the manager or manager may, however, decide to set up a space reserved for smokers. This requires the installation of dedicated signage, in particular using posters, panels or even flyers.

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What are the penalties for non-compliance with the smoking ban?

Fine for the smoker

Smokers who do not respect the law banning smoking in public places risk a fixed fine of 68 euros, which can go up to 450 euros. It is also prohibited to smoke in a car in the presence of a minor. The offender risks a fine of up to 750 euros.

Fine for the vaper

The ban on vaping also applies in certain places, such as schools, public transport and closed collective work spaces. The fixed fine of 35 euros (reduced to 22 euros in the event of rapid payment).

Fine for establishment

As for the establishment manager who encourages this type of behavior, he risks a fourth class fine, or 135 euros. It can go up to 750 euros if:

  • no signage prohibits smoking or vaping;
  • a non-compliant reserved space is made available to smokers;
  • the person in charge of the premises encourages non-compliance with the smoking ban.

Fine for throwing cigarette butts on the ground

Since 2020, the law provides for a 4th class fine (135 euros) for throwing cigarette butts on the ground outside of a trash can or collection point.

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