After eating a piece of bread given by a local resident, the donkey Pompon died after several days of suffering. The Cap Âne asinerie loses its best element and the entire activity of the company is impacted. His manager, devastated by the loss of his friend, launches a rant to stop bad behavior towards animals. To cover medical costs, a customer of the donkey farm set up an online fundraiser.
Hell is paved with good intentions and sometimes, while wanting to do good, the most trivial actions can lead to dramatic consequences. In Générac, someone certainly wanted to do well by giving bread to Pompon, this 18-year-old donkey who was part of the Cap Âne donkey farm. But this act proved fatal for the equine, which had to be euthanized after several days of excruciating suffering.
« He was in the pasture with three other donkeys and when I went to see them on Tuesday January 14, I found Pompon hypothermic and completely dejected. I realized it was serious with drool and foam coming out of his mouth. The vet came in and all that came out of his body was bread. This food went wrong, there was a misdirection and the bread entered the lungs. It was already too late », regrets Valérie Lapendrie, who alone manages the Cap Âne donkey farm, route de Saint-Gilles, in Générac, and who makes cosmetic products with donkey milk.
Pompon is then put on a diet, but he refuses to drink and he had to be put on drips even though his heart rate is very high due to the pain, because his intestine is damaged. The donkey is then hospitalized, but its transit is stopped. It is impossible for him to evacuate the substances. Despite the treatment, the animal is doomed, because with its lung infection it cannot be anesthetized.
« It was my friend who left, he was the pillar of my life and today everything is crumbling”
Valérie must then face the facts: He suffered martyrdom for a piece of bread. It was my friend who left. We’ve been through a lot together. It was the pillar of my life and today everything is crumbling. He was a wonderful donkey, he had participated in nativity scenes with the children, in pastoral parades and in the Générac carnivals. He was perfect. He had a big heart and great kindness. It was he who taught me my trade.” remembers, with emotion, Valérie who adds with a heavy heart: “ I believed in it until the end, but we had to end his life so that he would no longer suffer. »
-The void that Pompon leaves is equal to the emotional attachment that linked him to his mistress and the other residents of the donkey farm. But the death of the equine also has financial consequences: “ I’m going to have to stop the donkey rides, because he was the leader. He was the one the others followed. I no longer have donkeys capable of carrying out the activities. The costs for the care are around €1,500. It’s impacting my business and I’m starting the year with a big cash flow hole. » Valérie’s situation did not leave Internet users indifferent, who reacted in large numbers on Facebook.
For his part, a regular customer of the donkey farm, Raphaël Landry, went further by launching a leetchi kitty. “ Valérie was already impacted by the Générac fires a few years ago. He is a person who goes to great lengths. She is very courageous and I wanted to activate the networks to help her,” underlines this good Samaritan. Legitimately, Valérie Lapendrie is angry and she launches a rant: “ We keep saying it: don’t feed animals you don’t know! You don’t know anything about his diet or intolerances. A donkey is like a child you give treats to. He will eat it until he gets sick. The bread can get stuck or go wrong. People need to realize that animals should not be fed. »
“He came to comfort me, as if he wanted to tell me it wasn’t that serious. He understood what was happening.”
Valérie will never forget the last moments spent with Pompon: “ I was able to stay with him for one last hour. I was down and he came to comfort me, as if he wanted to tell me it wasn’t that serious. He understood what was happening. » This is new proof that animals can sometimes be more intelligent than men.
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