Nabilla, bimbo of the decade? That’s a bit what those who still laugh at Stéphane De Groodt’s column about him think. A sketch from 2013 that stands out and to which the star finally reacts.
What actually is a bimbo?
In the popular (read: patriarchal) imagination, a blonde with big breasts, quite simply. Proof of this is that, from yesterday’s Pamela Anderson to today’s Sydney Sweeney, there are many stars who tackle this stereotype imagined by men, denounce it or even more, ironically reappropriate it, to better point out sexism, by assuming their body and their sexuality publicly. This is the case of Sydney Sweeney, who plays on other people’s expectations and clichés by aligning jokes with her breasts, considered “too big”.
Even if it means irreverently praising her “tremendous breasts”. So that others don’t do it.
But the bimbo, more generally, designates a woman considered by the public – and even more so the male public – as “too good, too stupid”. Yes, subtlety often stops at the crossroads. And in this context, there is unfortunately no shortage of examples of public and media harassment. We could cite the entire Kardashian clan. And, in terms of impact, their French version: Nabilla, icon of French reality TV from the 2010s, fond of shampoo and above all, of self-deprecation.
-A decade ago, Nabilla was like a scapegoat. The easy, obvious object of the most widespread jokes, between “benevolent” sexism (if this specimen exists) and uninhibited misogyny. But people “had the right” because “it’s Nabilla”. It seems….
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