It is one of the unmissable artistic events in Antibes. From April 12 to 21, the Pré-des-Pêcheurs esplanade will host the 53rd edition of the Antibes Art Fair. Recognized throughout Europe, the event will bring together 90 French and international exhibitors in the heart of a huge tent stretched over 3,500m². All styles will be represented there: modern art, contemporary art, jewelry, designer and vintage furniture, old paintings, etc.
The only problem is that the prices required to reserve an exhibition space would be inaccessible to the most modest artists. Never mind! The association of Friends of the Picasso Museum in Antibes decided to rent a small outdoor tent “to give as many artists as possible the opportunity to exhibit”.
Give visibility
“The idea came to me during a recent exhibition in the Marais district of Paris”confides Jacqueline Ropars, painter and member of the association. She immediately spoke about it to the president, Vera Ainson, and to her colleague, Evelyne Michel-Matern, who enthusiastically launched into the adventure. (1). “We are offering 45 artists the opportunity to present just one of their paintings on the 9m² that we were able to reservedetails Evelyne. The walls will be covered, from top to bottom, with works respecting the 50 x 50cm format.”
-The proposed price? 50 euros to participate, and 40 euros for annual membership to the association. “There are around fifteen places left, everyone is welcome”insists the president, who sees in this unprecedented initiative “the opportunity for an artist to potentially be spotted by a prestigious gallery”.
1. If you would like to reserve a place, send your request to [email protected].
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