Between hope and fear, Ukraine will carefully follow Donald Trump’s first steps. The US president-elect has promised to end the war with Russia. But what do the Ukrainian people think and what do they hope for?
From our special envoys in Dnipro, Julien Chavanne, Boris Vicith et Hlib Yehorov
Whether in the capital, kyiv, or in Dnipro, 100 kilometers from the front line, all Ukrainians want the war to stop, without any hesitation. Nearly three years after the Russian invasion, the army is exhausted and the population exhausted.
The end of the war yes, even if it means losing entire regions, already in the hands of the Russians. “ I want this war to stop. People’s lives are the most important, testifies Yevguen, 18-year-old student. So many mothers and wives are waiting for their sons and husbands. What matters is not the occupied territories, but the number of soldiers killed, their mothers, their daughters and their sons. »
Resigned, the Ukrainians seem to be ready to give up 20% of their territories and for some, this means never returning home. But everyone is very suspicious of the ceasefire plan Donald Trump. They fear that Vladimir Poutine imposes its conditions on the American president.
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