In a pleasant surprise for sports enthusiasts, Indian golden boy Neeraj Chopra recently tied the knot with former American tennis star Himani Mor. The famous two-time Olympic medalist shared the good news on January 19, 2025, through his social media accounts, where he also posted touching wedding photos. “Grateful for every blessing that has led us to this moment together. Bound in love, happy for eternity,” Chopra said, reflecting this significant moment in her life.
The wedding, characterized by its intimate setting, was celebrated in the presence of close family members, marking the start of a new chapter for the celebrated athlete. Among the images shared was a touching moment with her mother, indicating the deep family ties that are at the heart of Chopra’s life. Fans were surprised by this news, as this union was not widely anticipated, prompting many to seek information on Himani Mor, the woman alongside the Olympic hero.
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But who exactly is Himani Mor? A former professional tennis player, Himani has an impressive athletic background. She continued her education at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana, and demonstrated her dedication to the sport by serving as a half-time volunteer tennis assistant at Franklin Pierce University. Currently, Mor is deepening his expertise by pursuing a Master of Science in Sports Management and Administration at the McCormack Isenberg School of Management.
-Although she hails from Larsauli in Haryana, Mor shares educational ties with Indian tennis player Sumit Nagal, as they both attended Little Angels School in Sonipat. Bhim, Chopra’s uncle, described the recent marital union, saying, “Yes, the wedding took place in India two days ago. I cannot reveal the location,” in a conversation with a source from his village Khandra, near Panipat in Haryana.
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