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A vitamin cure in the heart of winter? Yes, but not just anyhow

But before jumping on the latest trendy vitamin or dietary supplement, take the time to analyze your diet. “If we eat a balanced diet, the vitamins we get from our diet will be sufficient. The problem that may arise is malabsorption due to do bad ingestion. For example, vitamin D taken without meals or without meals containing fat will not be well assimilated.” You should also know that vitamins are sensitive to light, heat and the processing of foods that contain them. For example, did you know that water in which you pour a squeezed lemon contains almost no vitamin C? “To ingest vitamins, you must eat foods by processing them as little as possible, preferably raw.”

Blood test, vitamin identity card

If you want to take stock, a blood test is essential before taking any vitamin tablets or treatment. “Even if you are deficient, you need to know to what degree, and thus adapt the dosage, the duration of treatment and the type of vitamins or supplements to take. Each patient is unique, depending on their age, their sporting activity, of his way of life…”

Starting a treatment without taking blood can lead to inconvenience. “Certain vitamins are harmful, in high doses. Others do no harm, but no good either. It is then a sometimes significant expenditure of money which is unnecessary.” What then of the vitamin D treatment, which many people take every winter? “Its first source is the sun, before food. In Belgium, we are therefore often deficient. It is not bad to take it, but you have to know for how long and in what dosage.”

Which one to bet on?

All vitamins are important for the body and play a different role. Vitamin A promotes vision, the immune system and cell renewal. B vitamins strengthen vision, energy, and metabolism. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, promotes healing and acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin D is crucial for bones by helping to absorb calcium… “They are all equally essential, but the need for each depends on many factors.”

If a course of vitamins or food supplements could prove useful, it is better to go through the “blood test” box first, and then consult your doctor.

What if on the occasion of “Blue Monday”, you did a little check-up?


High-end Walloon treatment

We had the opportunity to test a treatment, over a month, offered by a start-up from Walloon Brabant. A daring project, in a sector largely dominated by large pharmaceutical companies. Suplemint started in a 20 m2 office and today has premises 10 times larger in Lasne. “We also doubled our turnover over one year.” rejoices Adrien Chassaing, co-founder. “To succeed in our challenge, we were also well supported by the Walloon Region and a network of specialists.” adds his partner Maïté De Jaegher, co-founder.

This is what we also liked about their approach. A couple’s project. “We first did the tests on ourselves. Because as entrepreneurs, we live at full speed, sometimes with big slacks, especially in winter” they continue.

That works ? We had the opportunity to try the “Energy” and “Sleep” cures, after Covid and a big sporting event. The recovery time was in any case much shorter. The only downside is taking several capsules in a row (four for energy in the morning, three for sleep before bed). Because the Suplemint laboratory offers “ready-made” thematic micronutrition cures in the form of combinations of several food supplements per day. “The idea is to dose each nutrient as best as possible to maximize their effects, because each acts in synergy with the others, 1+1 does not make 2”, continues Adrien Chassaing.

No more, therefore, the countless jars of vitamins and capsules of which doses are often left at the end of the treatment. One box, one cure. Secret of the success of this young start-up? Working on a small scale, with high-end products and without machining, the supplement packages being made by hand, in Lasne. And also to offer a wide range of cures (fertility, joint, zenitude, antioxidant, breastfeeding, detox, etc.) We also appreciated the packaging, reusable and 100% recyclable. Neither plastic nor aluminum. And ingredients from sustainable agriculture and fair trade. “But be careful. We don’t heal. But we contribute to better general health.”



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