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Weather report. What is the weather like this Saturday, January 18 in Hauts-de-?

What weather awaits us this Saturday, January 18, 2025 in the region? Sun, but still very cold temperatures. We gain three minutes of sunshine and we celebrate the Prisca.

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Conditions remain anticyclonic in our region, but the pressure fields are gradually decreasing. As a result, we still have grayness in the west and sometimes dense and freezing fog at the start of the morning, before a gradual improvement and the development of clearings in the east and on the coast. The east to southeast wind is weak.

The forecast for this Saturday, January 18, 2025 morning.


improvement for this afternoon with clear skies and sunshine for everyone, but humid rises coming from the region bring mist, fog and the possibility of a few rare snowflakes at the end of the day in the south-east of the region. The east to southeast wind is still very weak.

The forecast for this Saturday, January 18, 2025 afternoon.


Temperatures at daybreak are around -4 to -2° in the east, -1 to 1° in the west.

Temperatures for this Saturday, January 18, 2025 morning.


As for the maximums, they vary from 2 to 5°.

Temperatures for this Saturday, January 18, 2025 afternoon.



Sundaythe region remains under anticyclonic conditions. Pressures are decreasing with the arrival of a small disturbance affecting the Breton tip. No change, we have morning gray and locally fog, then clearings develop. They are locally more numerous in the east of the region. Return of grayness and clouds in the evening. The wind is still weak from the south then southwest. The minimums display 0 to -4°, the maximums range from 1 to 3°.

The trend of the coming days.


Monday. Thicker clouds develop during the following night to the west of a / line, with a few drops or flakes, or even scattered light rain in coastal regions. Further east, gray weather returns with mists and locally fog, late at night and in the morning. Little change during the day with a sky which generally remains gray. The wind remains weak from the south. The minimums are close to 0 to -2° and can go down to -3° in Aisne and Avesnois. The maximums are around 2 to 4° and up to 6° on the coast.

Mardi, the morning clouds dissipate to give way to sunny weather. The south-easterly wind is weak. Minimum temperatures vary from -4 to 1°. Maximum: 5 to 8°.

This Saturday, January 18, the bad index is progressing Hauts-de-France region, the atmospheric conditions are not conducive to the good dispersion of pollutants. This leads to their accumulation in the air, notably PM2.5 particles which once again determine the air quality index.

Air quality on Saturday January 18, 2025.


Stay informed on the state of air quality in the region by subscribing to alerts from Atmo Hauts-de-France. More information on

The ephemeris of Saturday January 18, 2025.


We celebrate Prisca. Happy birthday to you all !

With Catherine Degans.


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