Aged 88, Pope Francis fell at his home on Thursday January 16. Although he did not suffer any fractures, the incident renewed concerns about his health and his ability to meet the demands of his role.
His second fall in less than two months
Thursday January 16, Pope Francis fell in his apartment at the Sainte-Marthe residence, said the Vatican in a brief press release. THE Holy Father reportedly injured his right forearm, but “without fracture”. As a precaution, “the arm was immobilized”, and he now wears a scarf.
The Pope continues to fulfill his commitments
This accident occurred barely a month after a fall which left him with a visible bruise on his chin. Aged and facing health problems, the Pope regularly uses a cane or a walker to get around. Despite these episodes, he continues to fulfill his commitments, including his public hearings.
He has no intention of giving up
While the health of head of the Catholic Church is at the heart of the debates, he has ruled out any idea of resignation. In his autobiography “Hope”, published earlier this week, Pope Francis says he never considered abandoning his functions, even after difficult physical ordeals. His predecessor, Benedict XVI, however, chose this path in 2013, citing difficulties linked to his age.
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