After an 11-year absence from the red carpets, Cameron Diaz made an unexpected return, creating a surprise, on Wednesday January 15, by attending the screening of the film Back in Action in Germany. On this occasion, the 52-year-old actress unveiled a sophisticated look, centered around an oversized coat with a surprising drape.
As winter has set in, many celebrities have opted for elegant and bold coats to face the cold. Emily Ratajkowski chose a model inspired by the 70s, in shearling and faux fur, while Heidi Klum hit the ski slopes of Aspen in an ultra-voluminous down jacket by Raxxy. For their part, Taylor Swift and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands confirmed the “jeweled coat” trend. During the premiere of the film Back in Action in Germany, Wednesday January 15, Cameron Diaz also caused a sensation by revealing an original coat which did not fail to attract all eyes on the red carpet.
Cameron Diaz reinvents the oversized coat at the premiere of the film “Back in Action”
Particularly discreet in recent years, Cameron Diaz made her comeback in the spotlight during the Berlin premiere of Seth Gordon’s new film, in which she co-stars with Jamie Foxx. For the occasion, Justin Timberlake’s former partner opted for a total black look, centered around a transparent shirt adorned with a velvet bow at the collar, high-waisted baggy jeans and a oversized coat with an elongated bottom, resembling a train. To complete her outfit, the star of Charlie and his funny ladies chose a pair of comfortable derbies and accessorized everything…
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