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3 Lifestyle Change Update

ARTA – Healthy lifestyle changes generally require consistency and discipline. But the success rate cannot be 100%, even maybe between 70% and 60% depends on how you make lifestyle changes.

Regarding this, Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Clinical Nutritionists (PDGKI Jaya) Dr. Ida Gunawan MS SpGK (K) FinEM said that there is a basic pyramid level that determines changes in the mode of life, namely yourself, expert assistance and invasive.

ina: “There are two things of fashion change, some are ourselves and others need help, they need a trainer, good doctor here will make a meal plan, later what will translate will be his diet,” Ida said as quoted by ANTARA.

Renalized is also usually tempting and wrong before finishing requires the help of a doctor or trainer to be able to determine the regular diet and appropriate activities.

he reminded that if lifestyle changes are made yourself and they see on social media, it is necessary to check a reliable literary source and on the basis of scientific evidence. Early screening should also be done to know health conditions and risk of chronic diseases.

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if personnel and expert assistance do not show satisfactory results, planning lifestyle changes can be carried out at the drug level or with the help of medications.

“So there, there will be a lab test, we do a physical exam, we do supplements, either eplementation or if necessary medications, etc. “, said Ida.

Therapeutic treatment must be carried out as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the general state of health, then a complete laboratory examination is necessary to determine the correct dose.

From the last stage if you have not yet achieved the expected results, it will be carried out invasive actions such as surgery by releasing fat. This step is usually performed in enobeus patients.

ina also advises young people to engage in physical activity and avoid a separatist lifestyle.

“It means that diet and exercise, activity, that has become basic human life,” he said.

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