This Wednesday, the Marseille club shared on its account X a video, visibly filmed by the surveillance cameras of the Vélodrome stadium, in which it is possible to visualize the reaction of Olivier Létang, on the left, and that of Mehdi Benatia, on the right, at the moment of the equalizing goal scored by Luis Henrique in the very end of the meeting. And to realize that the decision taken by Clément Turpin to exclude only the Director of Football from OM and not the president of LOSC makes no sense.
The message that accompanies the video published by OM
Anxious to provide the greatest transparency on the moments following Luis Henrique’s equalizing goal last night, and leading to the exclusion of its Director of Football, Medhi Benatia, Olympique de Marseille has decided to broadcast the sequence . Our game, our sport, our club, our supporters, our city deserve fair and consistent treatment.
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