They are now at the center of the game. François Bayrou on Tuesday instructed employee unions, opposed to the pension reform promulgated in 2023, to negotiate with employers to find “paths for improvement”. Here is the method set by the Prime Minister: first a “flash mission” from the Court of Auditors to make an observation based on “indisputable figures”, then a quarter of discussions to reach a compromise, “in compliance with the financial balances”. Otherwise the current rules will continue to apply.
How are the unions taking up this call for dialogue? Only the CGT has not yet decided on its participation. “It is a mistake that the Prime Minister did not announce the blocking of the reform,” regretted his general secretary, Sophie Binet. The other organizations say they are ready to take part in this “conclave”, while immediately setting red lines and often antagonistic priorities, so that a consensual outcome remains very uncertain.
François Bayrou: a speech to save time
-This Tuesday, the Prime Minister made a gesture by opening the pension reform, Emmanuel Macron’s totem, to renegotiation. But for this roadmap to exist, it will above all need to cross the “Himalayas” of the budget
Issue for 64 year olds
The CFDT welcomes this return of paritarianism and wishes to push the cursor on professional arduousness and wear and tear, just like Force Ouvrière, which intends to fight again for “the repeal of retirement at 64”. “We have a great mission ahead of us, we must not say that it is lost in advance,” said Cyril Chabanier, president of the CFTC, French Confederation of Christian Workers, on RMC.
The CPME (Small and medium-sized enterprises) will take part in the negotiations but sets a principle: no increase in contributions. Medef “will lend itself to discussions” but does not want “increases in labor costs”. Its president Patrick Martin repeated his opposition to any questioning of the legal retirement age of 64.
Five confederations – CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC and CFTC – three employers’ organizations, Medef, CPME, U2P, as well as the UNSA, the FSU and the FNSEA should join this conclave on Friday without guarantee of white smoke.
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