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nearly 6 out of 10 French people want Emmanuel Macron to resign in the event of censorship by François Bayrou’s government

According to a survey by the CSA Institute for CNEWS, Europe 1 and the JDD, established this Tuesday alongside the Prime Minister’s general policy declaration, nearly 6 out of 10 French people want Emmanuel Macron to resign in the event of government censorship by François Bayrou.

The president still in the hot seat. According to a survey* from the CSA Institute published this Tuesday, January 14, 58% of French people want to see Emmanuel Macron resign if the government of François Bayrou is overthrown by a motion of censure.

A strong mistrust of the Head of State at a time when his Prime Minister presented his general policy declaration to Parliament this Tuesday. The latter did not convince Insoumise (LFI) which has already filed a motion of censure against François Bayrou.

Nevertheless, if the share of French people wishing to see the President of the Republic leave office in the event of François Bayrou’s failure is large, it is 4 points lower than last November 29, a few days before the vote on the motion of censure against Michel Barnier.

Women and young people, more severe against the president

In detail, women are much more severe than men. Indeed, 62% of women want the president to resign in the event of censorship compared to 53% of men, a disparity of 9 points.

Furthermore, the results of the study highlight a very strong generational conflict on the question of the resignation of the President of the Republic. In fact, 74% of the youngest (18-24 years old) would like it and 70% for all those under 35 years old.

Conversely, those over 50 and those over 65 are not mainly in favor of this proposal. 47% and 43% respectively responded positively to the CSA Institute’s question.

From the point of view of the socio-professional categories of respondents, the results show that the inactive, more severely affected by instability, are less inclined (51%) to see Emmanuel Macron resign than the CSP+ (61%) and the CSP- (63%).

Respondents close to the extremes on the same wavelength

On the political side, the question of Emmanuel Macron’s resignation in the event of censorship by François Bayrou’s government erases the traditional left-right divide.


Indeed, those surveyed who claim to be from the extremes are overwhelmingly in favor of the latter. Thus, those close to LFI are 92% to have answered yes and those of the National Rally 82%.

This overwhelming majority echoes the interest that both parties would find in an early presidential election.

According to an Ifop poll for Le Figaro published on December 11, Marine Le Pen would account for between 35 and 38% of voting intentions in this scenario. For his part, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who should face other left-wing candidates, would obtain between 11 and 12%.

As for the more traditional parties, that is to say the Socialist Party (44%) and The Republicans (48%), their voters surveyed who responded in the affirmative are in the minority. On the Environmentalists side, 51% of respondents answered yes.

Finally, those close to the presidential Renaissance party are still 14% who want Emmanuel Macron to resign if François Bayrou is overthrown. This is 4 points less than last November.

* Survey carried out on January 14 by self-administered online questionnaire on a nationally representative sample of 1,000 people aged over 18, using the quota method.


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