This Tuesday, January 14, Jordan Deluxe received Christine Lemler dans son talk-show At Jordan’s. During the interview, the interpreter of Valentine in the series Under the sunreturned to the death of her former playmate Stéphane Slima. Indeed, officially the actor died in 2012 at the age of 41, following a stroke, his agent Muriel Belgy announced at the time. But Christine Lemler evokes a completely different theory.
Christine Lemler : “He told me: ‘I can’t take it anymore! I don’t know what to do”
“He had teeth problems, mainlyt”, began the actress revealed in Mannequin Classwhich explains that the actor was continually in pain. “He went to centers several times to try to diagnose his ailments, because he was suffering. He couldn’t ease his pain. I think it was fed up. He told me: ‘I can’t take it anymore! I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what to do anymore. It’s like banging my head against the wall. We can’t find, we don’t know how to relieve me‘” she remembers.
Death of Stéphane Slima: Christine Lemler considers suicide
The actress also revealed that she was terribly upset to learn of the disappearance of Stéphane Slima, because a few days earlier they had promised to play together in the spin-off of Sous le soleil. “Five, six days later, I learned of this terrible tragedy. I tell myself that this is not possible. I got him on the phone…”. “Do you think he ended his life? » Jordan De Luxe then asks, and the actress blurts out: “Yes, I think there was some discomfort. And when we suffer, it is no longer bearable. My partner was a dentist and we couldn’t… He showed me the x-rays and he said to me: ‘I can’t figure out where it came from’” she concluded.
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