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Snow is good for your health according to science

Already tired of snow? Here is some information that could make us appreciate the broadsides to come.

We know the benefits of the sun on our body, but less so those of snow. And yet, it is just as beneficial for your health!

Already in 2010, the University of Rochester in the United States explained that walking in the middle of a snowy forest reduced anxiety and anger, nothing less!

Twelve years later, the Medical University of Silesia, Poland, claimed that exposure to snowy landscapes improved self-esteem. Then, the University of Kentucky demonstrated that, thanks to its acoustic properties, snow, which absorbs 60% of surrounding sounds, allows hikers to achieve an unequaled level of calm.

Not to mention the brightness! According to Arne Lowden, psychology researcher at Stockholm University: “A snow-covered ground reflects almost 95% of the light.” However, we know that light allows the brain to secrete serotonin, one of the hormones of well-being. In short, snow is good for morale!


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