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A house largely blown away by an explosion this Sunday in Carry-le-Rouet

It was around 11 a.m. this Sunday, January 12 when the home, located on Avenue Grimaldi in Carry-le-Rouet, was partly devastated, probably by the explosion of a gas tank. The occupants, two families including a child, were shocked by the detonation. Entire sections of the house seemed to have been crushed and part of the upper floor collapsed.

Firefighters and police deployed a major device on site in order to secure the premises and the neighborhood.

While the cause of the explosion has been determined, the precise circumstances have not been communicated.

The mayor, René-Francis Carpentier, also went there to provide support to the families who have been rehoused. The house, uninhabitable, will surely have to be demolished. An investigation has been opened.


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