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Snowmobile season takes off

Despite the pitfalls of recent months with the threat of the withdrawal of rights of way from members of the Association of Private Woodlot Owners of Appalaches (APBPA), the Fédération des clubs de motoneigistes du Québec (FCMQ) is looking forward. Its volunteers are currently working to open trails and launch the season across the province.

By Lydia Barnabé-Roy- Local Journalism InitiativeInfo Sunday

With the 30 to 40 centimeters announced between January 7 and January 9, the general director of the FCMQ, Stéphane Desroches, welcomes the start of snowmobiling.

In recent weeks, volunteers have struggled to open the trails due to the lack of snow, especially those located near the river.

“The clubs had already worked a lot, that’s the advantage we had,” he says.

Depending on the snow accumulation seen in the different sectors and the availability of volunteers, the director estimates that three-quarters of the snowmobile trails could be open in the coming days.

A single owner of private woodland in the L’Islet sector has expressed his desire to revoke his right of way with the Federation.

Mr. Desroches emphasizes, however, that “it is not clear” since it could be reinstated.

Changing situation

The motto of the clubs is to open the trails. If owners no longer wish to let snowmobilers pass, they must contact the FCMQ. The situation is therefore evolving. The director, however, is not worried.

“At the same time, the municipalities are behind the clubs, in the sense that if temporary relocations are necessary, they will help them find solutions,” he explains.

According to him, there was more fear than harm in this matter.

The general director of the Federation of Quebec Snowmobile Clubs, Stéphane Desroches (Photo courtesy FCMQ)

« [Les membres de l’Association] had their hearing. Thanks to the snowmobile, they made themselves heard,” he maintains.

He is sorry that the APBPA took the snowmobile hostage and that the burden fell on the volunteers. The latter had to find solutions and respond to calls which were not always courteous.

The start of the upcoming season will lighten Stéphane Desroches’ shoulders.

When all the trails are open and he sees snowmobilers enjoying their favorite winter sport, he will be able to put his worries of the last few months behind him and turn to the positive.


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