Experts: The future of US trade and foreign policy under Donald Trump
In recent days, United States President-elect Donald Trump has outlined his trade and foreign policy plans, including the possible annexation of Canada and Greenland and the takeover of the Canal. Panama, as well as the imposition of significant tariffs on all trading partners.
Here are some experts from McGill University who can comment on these questions:
Vivek Astvanshteacher associate at the Desautels Faculty of Managementcan talk about politicians’ use of language and rhetoric to persuade and negotiate with businesses and business partners.
vivek.astvansh [at] (English)
Julian Vikan Karaguesian, lecturer at the department of economicscan speak to the implications of Trump’s recent remarks for Canada-US relations and cooperation, as well as international relations. During his 25 years at the Canadian Department of Finance and the Canadian Embassy in Washington DC (as a financial advisor), he worked on economic relations between Canada and the United States (including including trade, investment and the G7).
julian. karaguesian [at] (English)
Leonard Moore, retired associate professor, Department of History and Classicscan talk about Donald Trump in the context of American politics, the social and political history of the United States, and the history of right-wing extremism.
-leonard.moore [at] (English)
Vincent RigbySlater Family Professor of Practice at the Max Bell School of Public Policy, recently retired from the Canadian public service after working for 30 years in various government departments and agencies, including the Privy Council Office, Global Affairs Canada, Public Safety, the Department of National Defense and the former Canadian Security Agency. international development.
He can speak on issues of national security, defense and Canadian foreign policy.
vincent.rigby [at] (English)
Jennifer Welshprofessor in the political science departmentCanada 150 Research Chair in Global Governance and Security and Director of the Center for International Peace and Security Studies, can speak to the implications for Canada-U.S. relations and cooperation, international relations and international order.
Jennifer.welsh [at] (English)
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