DayFR Euro

“Death of Jean-Marie Le Pen, a “devil’s” place to take”

COUNTERPOINT – How can we continue to pose as an angel of Good if we no longer have a devil to fight? Especially if he now risks being called Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Even his death sparked controversy. But this time, Jean-Marie Le Pen has nothing to do with it. So a handful of imbeciles had to salute the disappearance of a person with bonfires and bottles of champagne. Certainly, many resolute political adversaries of the founder of the National Front deplored these inappropriate outbursts of joy.

But even marginal, these manifestations are revealing. They reveal that with Le Pen, anything goes. We think of the absurd aphorism of the revolutionaries: “ No freedom for the enemies of freedom. » Here: no humanity, even post-mortem, for someone whose lack of humanity has been denounced. Towards the deceased tribune, Emmanuel Macron relied on “ judgment of history “, but part of the left arrogates to itself the right to exercise final judgment from now on. In a way, replaying the demonstrations after April 21, 2002 at Place de la République is keeping Jean-Marie Le Pen alive. Because she needs it.

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