© Ralph/Peepsbay
– The flu epidemic is gaining ground (illustrative image).
The alert is maximum in France regarding cases of flu. At the national level, the epidemic situation is still in force, at its highest level, in all departments. Whether for medical procedures in town and calls to SOS Médecins, visits to the emergency room or hospitalizations, all indicators are on the riseindicates Public Health France in its latest bulletin this January 8. A ‘exceptionally high level of intensity at the hospital’ is observed.
More precisely, activity linked to acute respiratory infections increased in the first week of this new year, in town and in hospital, and in all age groups except those under 15 years old. In community medicine, the increase is less significant than the previous two weeks, but this is undoubtedly linked to the French going on leave. Among the consultations at SOS Medecinsthe share of flu syndromes exceeds 20% (+2.1 pts compared to the last week of 2024).
Flu: the epidemic is here, Ile-de-France on red alert
-318 serious cases of flu
In the emergency roomflu indicators are rising sharply in all age groups, except 0-14 year olds, but Public Health France warns of the fact that “the share of hospitalizations for influenza and influenza-like illness among all-cause hospitalizations was at an exceptionally high level of intensity in all age groups”. Among the most exposed: over 65s which represent 69% of hospitalizations.
During this first week of the year, 22% of visits to emergency for influenza or influenza-like illness resulted in hospitalization for all ages. Finally, in intensive care, 318 serious cases of flu were recorded. Of all these cases, 86% involved patients aged 18 or older. In addition, according to data from Public Health France, 79% of these cases serious had not not been vaccinated and 23 deaths were noted, including 12 among those aged 65 or over.
Flu: the epidemic is here, Ile-de-France on red alert
Since October 15, 2024, a vaccination campaign is launched against the flu and Covid-19. It targets people over 65, pregnant women and people at risk (obesity, breathing difficulties, etc.). For all these categories, vaccination is 100% support by Health Insurance after presentation of a vaccination voucher sent by mail, recalled Capital early December.
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