Imagine that the author of these lines, if he spends 80% of his free time playing obscure JRPGs, uses the rest on this hate pump that is Valorant. The problem is that we don’t necessarily want to leave a game in which we are performing well: oscillating between Immortal and Ascendant is rewarding, casually. So obviously, as a good slave to content which has the main effect of generating hatred of the human race, we follow what Riot Games does for its tactical FPS with a sometimes suspicious eye, even if the prospect of enjoying a new map or a new playable character turns out to be enjoyable overall.
Today, it is not time for celebration, because Riot is doing what it does best: offering a new agent who will cause a lot of problems for the balance of the game. His name is Tejo, he is Colombian, and here are his skills:
- Special delivery : EQUIP a Sticky Grenade. PULL to throw it. The grenade sticks to the first surface hit and explodes, disorienting targets hit. SECONDARY FIRE allows you to throw the grenade by bouncing it once.
- Stealth drone : EQUIP a stealth drone. PULL to launch the drone forward and take control of it. SHOOT again to trigger a pulse that incapacitates and reveals hit enemies.
- Self-guided salvo : EQUIP yourself with an augmented reality targeting system. SHOOT to target up to two locations on the map. Use SECONDARY FIRE to launch autonomous missiles that will fly to targeted positions and explode upon arrival.
- Apocalypse (ultimate ability) : EQUIP a tactical card. DRAW to select the point of origin of the strike. SHOOT again to set the finish point and launch the attack, which causes a series of explosions on the line thus drawn. Use SECONDARY FIRE while targeting to cancel the point of origin.
Calling the Balancing Gods
With such a range, Tejo promises to be a versatile initiator who will certainly be essential whether you are on the attack or defense side. In defense, Tejo will be able to offer a long defensive delay on the bomb in the event of diffusion, in particular thanks to his double self-guided salvo, his apocalypse, but also the special delivery. Tejo thus has 3 different bombs, each of which can interrupt or kill an enemy in the process of diffusing the bomb. Especially since with self-guided salvos, Tejo actually has two self-guided Kayo grenades, which he can trigger without having to uncover himself. And then, with the stealth drone, it can then remain hidden to simply determine the position of enemies.
So sure, Tejo can’t blind enemies like a Breach would be able to, but his skills actually allow him to take up a lot of space on the various sites, which gives him a particularly crucial jack-of-all-trades aspect during both phases of play. There is no doubt that it will be used excessively, until Riot decides to act. The good news for esports fans is that Tejo will not be playable during the 2025 Kickoff tournament, which will act as an introduction to the professional competitive season.
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