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“Ultimately, his death is just a detail in history”: the left buries Jean-Marie Le Pen and wants to continue fighting against “his heirs”

We have never seen an idea walking alone on its own legs. For decades, until January 7, 2025, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia (among others) had Jean-Marie Le Pen as their main French vehicle. When his death was announced, the left wanted to remember who the founder of the National Front really was and who his heirs are today.

“Jean-Marie Le Pen dies on the 10th anniversary of the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Ultimately, his death is just a detail in the story. estimates Assan Lakehoul, secretary general of the French Young Communist Movement. But if he is no more, “his nauseating ideas remain”notes PCF senator Ian Brossat who calls to continue to fight them “relentlessly”.

“Respect for the dignity of the dead and the grief of their loved ones does not erase the right to judge their actions. Those of Jean-Marie Le Pen remain unbearable, Jean-Luc Mélenchon reacted. The fight against man is over. The one against the hatred, racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism that he spread continues. »

“Thoughts to all the targets of the far right

In the wake of their former three-time presidential candidate, the rebels ridiculed the frontist, the deputy Louis Boyard believing that he “does not deserve any tribute”him here “all his life” spat “on exiles, women, Muslim, Jewish LGBT people”. His colleague Thomas Portes reminded him that Le Pen senior “founded a racist and anti-Semitic party with former SS” et “participated, among other things, in torture operations in Algeria”.

“Thoughts of the Algerians he tortured, of the victims of the Shoah that he denied, of all the targets of the extreme right (…) Let us finally beat his heirs”, tweeted environmentalist senator Mélanie Vogel. And the deputy from the “Ecologist and Social” group François Ruffin drives home the point: “A fascist from another time is gone. But he leaves behind him very current heirs. Who, today, honor the tribune and the servant of . Jean-Marie Le Pen is dead, his racist ideas remain to be fought. »


Few socialist leaders have taken the trouble to comment on the death of the man who unified the French extreme right currents divided since the Second World War. They preferred to focus on the honors paid to the victims of the January 2015 attacks. “Interrupting media coverage of a tribute for the victims of anti-Semitism to announce the death of a political figure convicted of anti-Semitism: this treatment deeply disturbs me,” regretted MP Arthur Delaporte. And his colleague Ayda Hadizadeh calls to work for “understand how a man who tortured and killed other men was able to have such a career under the Fifth Republic”.

Faced with the extreme right, don’t give up!

It is step by step, argument against argument that we must fight the extreme right. This is what we try to do every day in Humanity.

Faced with incessant attacks from racists and hate mongers: support us! Together, let’s bring another voice to this increasingly nauseating public debate.
I want to know more.


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