“Ten years later, Charlie Hebdo is still there”, says Riss, the publishing director of Charlie Hebdoin the special issue published Tuesday January 7, ten years to the day after the jihadist attack which left twelve dead, including eight members of the editorial staff, in Paris. “ The causes of the tragedy too. As well as the determination of the members of the newspaper. The geopolitical situation has evolved, even worsened,” he assures.
In this special issue, the satirical journal says “indestructible!” »with, in a front page drawing, a reader sitting on an assault rifle, reading, delighted, this Charlie “historical” 32 pages. It focuses in particular on “laughter of God », through forty caricatures chosen from hundreds sent as part of an international competition launched by the newspaper among press cartoonists on this theme.
“Satire has a virtue that has helped us get through these tragic years: optimism. If we want to laugh, it’s because we want to live. Laughter, irony, caricature are manifestations of optimism. Whatever happens, whether dramatic or happy, the desire to laugh will never disappear.underlines Riss in the editorial which looks back over the last ten years.
“Today, the values of Charlie Hebdo, such as humor, satire, freedom of expression, ecology, secularism, feminism, to name but a few, have never been so questioned. » “Perhaps because it is democracy itself which finds itself threatened by renewed obscurantist forces”he explains.
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