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Did China really declare a state of emergency after the appearance of a “mysterious” virus?

Monkeypox: Are we on the eve of a Covid-style pandemic? “Absolutely not”, reassures Yves Van Laethem, who details his recommendations

The site The Epoch Times, renowned for spreading conspiracy theories during the Covid-19 pandemic, is also at the origin of this information.

What is cautiously known is that the rise in cases in northern China this winter is attributed to the human metapneumovirus (HMPV), mainly affecting children. We are therefore – and by far – far removed from the health crisis of 2019 caused by Covid-19.


Conspiracy groups take advantage of this to attract new victims.

China, a breeding ground for the birth of viruses and… Fake news!

According to official data, while influenza remains the majority, HMPV infections exceed those of Covid-19, rhinovirus and adenovirus. Health measures are in place, but Beijing puts things into perspective, speaking of a classic winter phenomenon. Louise Malnoy, China correspondent for TF1 Info, confirmed this weekend that no state of emergency has been declared. Rather, it evokes a recurring situation every winter, marked by peaks of flu and respiratory viruses.

For Doctor Yves Van Laethem, the fact that China has already encountered transparency problems in the past can have an impact on public opinion.

“It is not the country best able to prevent the emergence of new diseases, especially since China is a breeding ground conducive to the birth of viruses, but also to that of rumors and “fake news”underlines the infectious disease specialist. Indeed, numerous influenza viruses have emerged from this region, and it is not impossible that other pathologies may appear. And at the same time, it is a place where rumors and conspiracy theories easily take root, particularly due to the country’s relative lack of transparency, which remains faced with frequent viruses like those linked to poultry and pork. “.

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Concerning the HMPV virus, which was discovered in 2001, he specifies that there is no vaccine or specific treatment to date. The symptoms associated with this virus are those of a classic respiratory infection: cough, fever, stuffy or runny nose, although it is transmitted mainly by droplets emitted when coughing or sneezing. While it is not a particularly dangerous illness for the majority of the population, it can be risky for vulnerable people, such as the elderly or those with respiratory problems.

Once again, this event illustrates the extent to which the Covid-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted our society. Due to the upheaval experienced during the health crisis, many people are now more likely to overreact to any new alerts. As soon as information is shared, it is often interpreted in a dramatic manner and provokes strong reactions.

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“And at the same time, conspiracy groups are taking advantage of this to attract new victims, added Van Laethem. Since covid, it has become inevitable that people are more vigilant and suspicious of these kinds of situations, which generates strong and often disproportionate reactions. Regarding the psychological impact of these events, it must also be said that covid had been particularly anxiety-provoking for many people. This situation has therefore revived recent fears and generated a climate of uncertainty. The pandemic has exacerbated collective fears, provoking an awakening of existing anxieties and creating fertile ground for the spread of conspiracy theories.”


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