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what campaign program for David Lappartient?

David Lappartient, current president of the CNOSF, the UCI and the Department of Morbihan, is a candidate for president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) next March.

“Sport at the heart”: this is the slogan chosen by David Lappartient. Next March, the 51-year-old French leader will be one of the candidates in the running for president of the International Olympic Committee. Current president of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF), the International Union (UCI) and the Department of Morbihan, he is ready to put on a new hat… which, if successful, would make him let go of all the others .

Esports, a theme to be developed

While there are seven candidates on the starting line, David Lappartient intends to stand out through his proposals. One of them stands out: making esports an opportunity for Olympism. “The practice of esports has spread considerably throughout the world and today it is estimated that there are more than 3 billion people in the world who practice esports”details David Lappartient. “The IOC began to address this subject in 2018 by exploring the synergies between the world of esports and the Olympic Movement and resulted in the creation of the Liaison Group on esports and then the IOC esports commission which I have the pleasure of preside. The decision to create an esports Olympic Games unanimously during the 2024 IOC Session certainly marks a new stage in the influence and development of the IOC. »

Another important subject for the French candidate: allowing sport to fully participate in climate action. “We will engage stakeholders across the Olympic Movement to align with the IOC’s sustainability strategy and encourage our athletes to continue to be ambassadors for global action in sport.”assures David Lappartient. “He could moreover, it is logical in my opinion that the financial support of the IOC to the International Federations and the National Olympic Committees is partly accompanied by a commitment by the latter to climate issues. »


A 2036 Agenda on the subject of governance

It is also on governance that David Lappartient intends to distinguish himself from other candidates. “Faced with the challenges that await the Olympic Movement for the years to come, I will propose developing an Agenda 2036 which will set our main orientations for the next 10 years. It must be the result of reinforced dialogue between members of the IOC and members of the Olympic Movement (Athletes, International Federations and National Olympic Committees). Olympic according to rule 4 so that our Agenda is enriched by the debate with all those involved in sport. »

Three strong subjects at the heart of no less than 30 commitments concerning athletes, solidarity, the fight against doping, the development of the Olympic Games and the link between sport and culture. So many themes on which David Lappartient intends to act, he who, reminds us, will leave his political mandates and I will not be a candidate for the renewal of his functions as president of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee and President of the International Cycling Union in case of victory for the IOC presidency.



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