A 23-year-old man named Tushar Singh Bisht was arrested in east Delhi’s Shakarpur for allegedly defrauding over 700 women on dating platforms such as Bumble and Snapchat. Tushar, who worked as a recruiter in Noida, Uttar Pradesh by day, created a fake persona at night, posing as a US-based model, according to an NDTV report.
To carry out the scam, Tushar used an app to generate a virtual international number and create fake profiles on social media and dating apps. He claimed to be an American model on a soul-searching trip to India, using stolen photos and stories from a Brazilian model to build trust with women aged 18 to 30.
After gaining their trust, Tushar convinced his victims to share phone numbers, intimate photos or videos. Initially, his actions were intended for personal amusement, but they quickly escalated into extortion. He threatened to leak or sell the content online if the victims did not pay him money.
According to police, Tushar interacted with more than 500 women on Bumble and another 200 on Snapchat and WhatsApp. One victim, a Delhi University student, met Tushar on Bumble in January 2024. After moving their chats to private platforms, she shared personal photos with him. He later sent her one of his videos, demanding money and threatening to publish the content online.
The student initially complied but eventually sought help from her family and filed a complaint with the cyber police station in December 2024.
-Under the leadership of ACP Arvind Yadav, the West Delhi cyber police traced Tushar’s activities using digital evidence. A raid in Shakarpur led to his arrest, where police recovered incriminating data from his phone, a virtual international number and 13 credit cards. They also found evidence of conversations with more than 60 women, as well as evidence of similar extortion cases involving other victims.
Tushar holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and was in a stable job. Despite living a secure life, he turned to cybercrime, apparently motivated by greed.
Police are continuing their investigation to identify more victims and gather additional evidence.
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