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what we know about the detainee

In , in Bouches-du-Rhône, five members of staff, a supervisor, a doctor and three nurses, were held by an inmate in the prison infirmary on Friday January 3. The man, who was armed with a bladed weapon, surrendered after five hours of hostage-taking.

After negotiations, the doctor was initially released, before all hostages are released. The individual threatened the staff with a bladed weapon, which he had made with metal points.

The hostage taker is a 37-year-old man from Guyana, a small country in South America. He is serving an 18-year prison sentence for violent rape. since 2015. The inmate had spent stays in several penitentiary establishments. Arrived at the Arles central house in November 2023, il demanded during the hostage-taking to change establishments.

The public prosecutor waits an expertise to determine the psychiatric profile of the prisoner. The unions spoke of “real problems”. The supervisors were victims of violence on several occasions by this man. He was placed in police custody and should be referred on Saturday January 4.

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