DayFR Euro

Price, payment deadline… Everything you need to know about the 2025 sticker

Payment of the special annual tax on vehicles (TSAV) continues until January 31, 2025. Once this period has passed, you bear an increase rate of 15% from the first month, in addition to 0.5% on each month with a minimum payment of 100 dirhams.

Furthermore, the period for paying the sticker, for new owners, is now extended to 60 days, instead of 30, from the date of receipt of the receipt confirming the submission of the registration document to the National Road Safety Agency (NARSA).

Concerning prices, they remain unchanged for all vehicle categories. 700 dirhams for cars with diesel engines of less than 8 HP, and 350 dirhams for gasoline engines of the same capacity.

For diesel vehicles whose fiscal power is between 8 to 10 HP, the tax amounts to 1,500 dirhams for diesel and 650 dirhams for gasoline cars. Furthermore, the price rises to 6,000 dirhams for people owning a diesel vehicle of 11 to 14 HP compared to 3,000 dirhams for gasoline.

Finally, for vehicles with a power greater than or equal to 15 HP, the price is 8,000 dirhams for gasoline vehicles, and 20,000 dirhams for those with diesel engines.


Hybrid and electric vehicles are exempt from paying the sticker in Morocco.

To pay for the vignette, payment is made online via the website, via the bank (mobile applications, website or ATMs), at partner bank agencies or at the tax services.




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