DayFR Euro

“We are going to look for price reductions”

The Happy New Year message posted by Michel-Edouard Leclerc on his blog is addressed to the brand's 160,000 employees and its 700 members, but it also and above all serves as a warning for manufacturers, especially the big ones: negotiations will be tight at Leclerc. We had no doubt about it, but Michel-Edouard Leclerc is giving it another shot. “In 2025, we promise, we will fight inflation and we will join forces with all actors of good will to increase the purchasing power of the French!“, he says straight away.

In passing, it once again scratches the regulations governing supplier-distributor relations, such as the Descrozaille law. “Today, the urgent thing is to stop inflation, at the risk of attracting lightning from those who voted for stupid laws like the one which limited promotions on diapers, diaper products, etc. hygiene, or maintenance…“Parliamentarians will appreciate the muscular charge.

“We are not going to gentrify”

We will look for price reductions in the coming weeks (and while respecting the tariff shield which guarantees agricultural income)continues the manager. Yes, at Leclerc, we know that we disturb some lobbies, but I swear to you that in 2025, proud that you have consolidated us on the podium of the French's favorite brands, we are not going to gentrify! There is work!“In short, it is also a way for Michel-Edouard Leclerc, guardian of the Leclerc temple, to maintain pressure on those among Leclerc members who could be tempted to let go of ballast on margins and prices.

Recession threatens? Will it cost more to produce more ecological, decarbonized, socially responsible, geopolitically more secure? Yes, undoubtedly. But all the more reason: everything that will be better for you, for our children, for the planet, must remain accessible to everyone. This has been our mission since my parents created our brand in Landerneau! (75 years ago, in December 1949),” he concludes.


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