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Diplomatic tension between Mali and Algeria has recently resurfaced, marking a turning point in relations between the two nations.

At the heart of this controversy are recent statements by the Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, perceived by Mali as interference in its counter-terrorism strategy.

A dispute over sovereignty and security strategies

The Malian authorities have expressed their deep disagreement with the Algerian comments, believing that they reflect a paternalistic and condescending posture. The Malian transitional government recalls that its strategic choices to counter armed terrorist groups fall exclusively within its sovereignty. These decisions are taken in accordance with the objectives defined within the Confederation of Sahel States, a regional alliance bringing together Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

The criticism leveled against Algeria is also based on accusations of complicity. According to Mali, Algeria offered logistical support and refuge to certain terrorist groups active in the region.

Disturbing military successes

The Malian Armed Forces, hailed for their significant advances against armed groups, are seen as a central element of Malian strategy. These successes, achieved thanks to increased determination and strengthened regional partnerships, seem to provoke a certain hostility from Algerian officials.

This opposition, according to the Malian authorities, reflects a nostalgia for a past where Algeria played a dominant role in regional dynamics. Today, Mali claims strategic autonomy which does not tolerate external interference.

A call to Algeria to resolve its own challenges

The Malian government is urging Algeria to focus on its own internal problems, particularly on the Kabyle question. Domestic tensions in Algeria are seen as an area requiring priority attention, rather than attempts at international repositioning via interference in Malian affairs.


This posture marks a clear desire to preserve the integrity of Mali in the face of any attempt at foreign intervention, whoever the actor.

Mali’s commitment to the AES Confederation

Mali, in collaboration with Burkina Faso and Niger, reiterates its commitment within the AES Confederation to eradicate terrorism in the Sahel. This regional coalition, founded on principles of solidarity and common action, embodies an independent approach to resolving security challenges.

Malian leaders insist that the fight against terrorism must not be used for political or geopolitical purposes by foreign actors.

A clear position for the future

Mali firmly maintains its opposition to any form of external intervention that does not respect its sovereignty. It intends to strengthen its regional and international partnerships by remaining in control of its strategic choices.

In a context where the stability of the region remains fragile, the Malian approach illustrates a desire for autonomy and a determination to protect its national interests. This posture sends a strong message to all regional and international actors: Mali intends to chart its own path towards security and development.

The editorial staff


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