Love, health, entourage… Your horoscope for the week from January 3 to 9, by the famous astrologer Nadine de Liedekerke.
Sign of the month: Capricorn (from December 21 to January 19)
It’s your birthday (2nd decan) : from the end of May, your planet will give you vitality, audacity and combativeness to launch new projects in the family nest. Work, moving, purchase of real estate,
starting a family, expanding it, getting closer to a relative from whom you were estranged… could be relevant.
Jupiter will help you, from June, to improve your relationships with others (contracts, partnerships could be created), and Uranus, from July, to direct your activities differently. Love at its best in June and July.
For all : full of strength and energy (thank you, the Sun!), you will be able to reach new heights and expand your field of activity with Jupiter. Trying to impose yourself could create tensions on the 3rd. Listening to others will calm things down on the 4th. With Mercury, you will be able, from the 8th, to look at yourself with more objectivity and understand more clearly what you want. Love and tenderness from the 3rd. Passion and great sensuality from the 4th and 8th.
Aries (March 20 to April 19)
Take the time to look at how your love affairs have evolved in recent years and then, from the 7th, what you have done to bring more harmony into the family nest. If you have not obtained the expected results, if your motivations have changed, do not force anything on 3. Go back to see what you could improve, on 3, 4, 6 and 7, start, on 5 and 8, to look in which new direction to take your action. Professional successes
on the 4th, very blossoming love on the 9th.
Taurus (April 19 to May 20)
It’s time to travel, explore new lands, meet other civilizations. To become more interested in philosophy and spirituality. Perhaps go back to school to beef up your CV. Tensions are to be feared on the 3rd, but if you let go, you will be able to achieve great things on the 4th. On the lookout for ideas on the 7th, your desire to learn will grow more and more from the 8th. Your loves ? Excitement, dreams and passion on the 3rd, 6th and 7th. Great seriousness on the 8th.
Gemini (May 20 to June 21)
With Jupiter in your sign, you see everything in a big and beautiful way, but the state of your finances may not give you the opportunity to embark on big projects. Don’t get angry about this on the 3rd, instead change your vision of the world and, from the 6th, direct your projects differently. This will give you a whole new momentum on the 7th, and a lot of joy and peace on the 9th. Love will stimulate you on the 3rd and 4th, and Eros will put you in all your moods on the 8th.
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The big horoscope for 2025, sign by sign
Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
Tensions to fear on the 3rd with your partner if you have financial questions to resolve. Take some distance from all this, you will feel better on the 4th. Stimulated by your ambitions, you will only think of giving your career or social life a new impetus on the 5th, but Mars will return to your sign on the 6th. , will impose a time of introspection on you to take a step back and calm your impetuosity. Cupid? Be careful not to impose anything on him on the 3rd. He will be better disposed on the 5th and 9th.
-Leo (July 22 to August 22)
You will have great plans and big dreams in mind on the 3rd, but don’t force anything to achieve your goals, this would create unnecessary tension. Instead, think about the means at your disposal to make them a reality, and get advice if you don’t have all the solutions in hand. Your energy will be immense on the 5th, but first finish what you left unfinished. From the 8th, sort with Mercury between what you want to pursue or abandon. After small adjustments on the 3rd and 4th, your loves will regain their ardor on the 6th.
Virgo (August 22 to September 22)
Take on new projects, take on other responsibilities in your team or groups that share your ideas? Useless fight on 3! Take stock of what this has brought you over the last two years, see if your values have changed and if certain friendships should be abandoned because you are not evolving in the same way. Take the time, from the 6th, to think calmly about all this before deciding on anything. In love, renewal of tenderness on the 4th and increasingly deep exchanges from the 8th.
Libra (September 22 to October 23)
Are your projects not moving forward? No need to worry! It is Mars who slows down your flights so that you look back at what you have accomplished to better understand your failures and your successes, and see what you could improve to succeed in what you undertake. Your enthusiasm will return on the 5th, and from the 6th, you will question your career to decide in which new direction to take it. Your loves? End of routine on the 3rd and hello the unexpected on the 5th! New start on the 9th.
Scorpio (October 23 to November 22)
Your planets are shaking you up at the moment, but difficulties don’t scare you. On the contrary ! They excite you and help you find unsuspected resources within yourself to overcome them. However, don’t push too hard on 3 to bring about success in what you have decided. Good conciliation is often better than war. The Sun, the 4th, and Mercury, from the 8th, will help you in your negotiations, but your patience will not be at its best on the 6th. More tender and empathetic loves from the 3rd. Passionate, sensual on the 4th and 8th.
Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
Continue to improve the management of your assets to secure yourself. Become aware with Mercury, from the 8th, that your values, your priorities may have changed, that you aspire to more authenticity and truth in your relationships with others. By welcoming all the little joys that life offers you on a daily basis, you will find harmony and joy on the 9th. In love, do not control anything on the 3rd, on the contrary give your relationship more space and time on the 5th, speak openly with your loved one on the 8th, and everything will become fluid and harmonious again on the 9th.
Aquarius (January 19 to February 18)
Great financial opportunities, but also spending temptations on the horizon from the 3rd! With Mars opposite Pluto this day, tensions could also arise in your relationships if you seek to control everything and do not want to question yourself. Stay vigilant! From the 8th, helped by Mercury, you will be able to better define your goals in life and have more
deep discussions with your friends. Your loves? Nice surprises on the 3rd,
but risk of illusions on the 6th. Conquering ardor, depth and intensity on the 7th, 8th and 9th.
Pisces (February 18 to March 20)
Focus, this week, on your love affairs with Venus, planet of harmony
and joy, in your sign on the 3rd! With your large pink glasses placed on your nose, you will love to use your seduction to attract Cupid. Solos could meet their prince charming. It will be time to party and run to the shops to adopt a new look. But don’t try anything on 3, you’ll be on edge! Helped by the Sun and Mercury from the 8th, you will be able to advance your projects and consolidate your friendships on the 3rd and 4th, and especially on the 9th. Love at its best on the 5th and 9th!
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