Janis Hadji was in the mood to play in the big derby, Photo: REUTERS
The “Old Firm” finally fell to the “policemen”! At Ibrox, Rangers celebrated against their fiercest and city rival, Celtic, in the 21st round of the Scottish Premier League – 3:0.
“Celts” came as a big favorite and a convincing leader, and Rangers had problems due to an injury to the first goalkeeper and a couple of standard defenders. However, Celtic could not score.
But the “policemen” did, the son of Romanian legend Georgi, Janis Hadji scored in the 7th minute. The crowd supported the home team, and after a corner and a crowd in the box, Dutchman Robin Proper made it 66:2 in the 0th minute.
The final result was set by the Brazilian Danilo in the 81st minute, from the first contact with the ball, because immediately before the goal he entered the game from the bench, instead of the Albanian Nedim Bajrami.
And 17 days ago in the Scottish League Cup final, which Celtic won on penalties after a draw – 3:3, Danilo came off the bench instead of Bajrami and scored for overtime in the 88th minute. Same from first contact.
-Only Rangers are second and now have 11 points less than the leaders, Celtic. “Celts” broke a streak of 18 games without defeat, dating back to October 1, 2024, in the Champions League against Dortmund.
Rangers ended a streak of seven games without a win in the “Old Firm”, and celebrated the previous victory with 3:0.
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