Early childhood
From 1is January 2025, the law of December 18, 2023 for full employment entrusts municipalities with the role of organizing authority for the reception of young children. They are now responsible for building a policy that meets the needs of children and families in their area.
Article 17 defines the mandatory powers that must be exercised, depending on their size, by the new organizing authorities in matters of young child care. Thus, all municipalities must identify the needs of children aged under 3 and their families in terms of family services and childcare arrangements, as well as inform and support families and future parents in their parenthood and in their search for a mode of reception. Municipalities with more than 3,500 inhabitants will also have to plan the development of reception methods and ensure their quality, in particular through the dissemination and appropriation of the quality framework. These skills can be transferred to the public intermunicipal cooperation establishment (EPCI) or to the mixed union.
Article 18 also strengthens the powers of municipalities. As of 1is January 2025, the authorities organizing the reception of young children will have to issue a mandatory opinion on the advisability of setting up a private law reception establishment, with regard to the needs of their territory. This assent will be necessary for the project leader to launch the authorization procedure with the department.
As of 1is January 2025, the children’s health record evolves and must contain the following elements:
- prevention advice, particularly on the use of screens;
- details of the monitoring of the 20 compulsory examinations, making it possible to detect neurodevelopmental disorders;
- tips for caring for adolescents (example: mental health).
The creation of a departmental public service for autonomy (SPDA) is included in the law of April 8, 2024 laying down measures to build a society of aging well and autonomy. Tested in 2024, this will be generalized during the year which begins. The CNSA’s initial 2025 budget provides an envelope of 4.21 million euros for the ARS and departmental councils to support the generalization of the SPDA from 1is January 2025.
- Retirement
- Retirement pensions under specific law and derived law from the basic schemes are increased by 2.2%.
- The minimum survivor’s pension, also increased by 2.2%, is increased to 331.94 euros per month for an insurance period of at least 15 years.
The solidarity allowance for the elderly (ASPA) is increased to 1,034.28 euros per month for single people (i.e. + 22.26 euros compared to January 2024) and to 1,605.73 euros per month for couples (i.e. + 34.57 euros compared to January 2024).
The minimum amount of disability pensions benefits from an increase of 2.2%, going from 328.07 euros in January 2024 to 335.29 euros on 1is January 2025.
Indexed to the level of the net daily minimum wage in force on 1is January of the current calendar year, the amount of the daily parental presence allowance (AJPP) and the daily caregiver allowance (AJPA) increased to 1is January from 64.54 to 65.80 euros.
The AJPA is paid within the limit of 66 days. As of 1is January 2025, this duration of compensation can be renewed, i.e. an additional 66 days, if the caregiver provides support to a different person. Renewals will be possible within a maximum of 264 days.
Family benefits
In accordance with the legislation applicable to family benefits, the amounts of the resource ceilings for family benefits applicable in mainland France, in the overseas territories, in Mayotte, in Saint-Martin, in Saint-Barthélemy and in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon are increased by + 4.8% from 1is January 2025.
From January 2025, the law for full employment introduces several important new features for beneficiaries of active solidarity income (RSA). Registration with France Travail is now compulsory and automatic for all RSA applicants and their spouses, including those who exercise a professional activity. This registration has no impact on the payment of the RSA.
After having made their RSA request, all applicants must now provide information on their situation directly on the France Travail website, via an online questionnaire, in order to be directed to the referent organization likely to best support them. . Depending on the department, this process may be completed by an interview with the services of the departmental council or an organization designated by itself. The applicant will then carry out a personalized assessment of their situation and sign an engagement contract with the referring organization to which they have been referred. Depending on its situation, this organization may be France Travail, the departmental council, an organization designated by the departmental council, a local mission or Cap emploi.
- The consultation with general practitioners increases from 26.50 to 30 euros. The one-off consultant opinion of specialists is increased to 60 euros.
- Other targeted upgrades are planned for certain procedures carried out by pediatricians, psychiatrists and even gynecologists.
- Transversal upgrades in the technical activity of doctors also come into force on 1is January 2025. Some are transversal (via the acts of the common classification of medical acts, the CCAM) and others more targeted (for example, the increases applicable to surgery and childbirth).
Social security
In 2025, the monthly value of the social security ceiling increases by 1.6% to stand at 3,925 euros in monthly value and 47,100 euros in annual value.
The Social Security ceiling, updated each year, is used as a basis for calculating certain social benefits. It consists of a reference amount taken into account for the calculation of the maximum amount of certain social benefits (daily sickness benefits, maternity benefits, work accidents, paternity benefits, among others) and social contributions.
Au 1is January 2025, as part of the decree relating to the calculation of personal housing assistance (APL) for the year 2025, the resource parameters taken into account for the calculation of APL are revalued.
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