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Elon Musk: the vanity fair.

A column by Elon Musk published on Saturday December 28 by Welt am Sonntag, in which the American billionaire reaffirms and justifies his support for the German far-right party AfD, led to the resignation of an editor-in-chief of the conservative newspaper, (sic Yahoo resumption)

This poor guy, described as a genius by frightened people, continues his cinema. He claims that Germany is on the verge of bankruptcy and encourages Germans to vote for the far right.

It always comes down to the same verse: there are too many immigrants, the market is not free enough, we must be wary of the Chinese and other perfectly well-known empty formulations. This gentleman, I know everything, is preaching from the top of his country of crazy people, liver patients and crazy people that we are worthless, incompetent, and why not all alcoholics too. However, it seems to me that this poor guy is shooting up coke, but hey! This is the beginning, he will see the result in 10 years.

In the meantime, imbeciles are content with unverifiable statements. These are the ouilles and the high mass. However, another one who will be named bishop in the country in partibus of Partenia*.

The free market means inflation of 20 percent on essential products or services and undoubtedly a serious reduction in the price of wave pools and Finnish saunas. The credo of this fanatic of picrocholine wars: low wages, the right to kick people out at will, the continuation of the culture of harassment, the despicable exploitation of women, the end of care and pensions ( everything must be privatized).

And to say that these speeches still “work”. People have become dumber than at the beginning of the century, more uneducated, more lost. And to think that the elders demanded care, paid leave, quality public services, transport accessible to all, painless childbirth, and even the right to justice.

We know these liberal salads, these low-level gossips, this theology of prosperity, (Evangelical Christian religious belief which claims that the Bible teaches that the financial well-being of Christians is a sign of spiritual health and that poverty is a curse or punishment from God).

In addition, I have evidence of this adulterated inflation, starting with over-the-counter medications, car repairs, certain common consumer products whose increases border on the peaks of Everest. We don't do it to our peers. We're not just stupid donkeys, boors and simpletons. Flight over a coyote nest….

This guy is like advertising, and that is to say: filthy lying filth. She's this stupid pretty girl, the last child of capitalism. Another one who will sell us razors which will seek out the hair under the skin, detergents which wash whiter than white, and snipes which show their panties to amazed passers-by when they cycle in the Gulf of Morbihan.

Hell! How sad and stupid this world is becoming.

* disappeared country.


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