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Modou Lo agrees to face Balla Gaye 2 for a 3rd time

The Senegalese arena is in turmoil as preparations for a third clash between Balla Gaye 2 and Modou Lô finally seem to be on track. According to the daily The Sunthe blockages which slowed down the organization of this long-awaited fight have just been lifted.

According to the newspaper, the current king of the arenas, Modou Lô, preferred to take time to rest and perform the “Umrah” before making a final decision. Finally, the rock of Parcelles assainies gave the green light, declaring itself ready to take up the challenge of a third duel against the Lion of Guédiawaye.

→ ALSO READ: Lamb: It’s complete for the Balla Gaye 2 vs Siteu poster

This fight, if it materializes, will be an opportunity for Modou Lô to try to take revenge after his two defeats against Balla Gaye 2. An opportunity to make history, but also a high-risk meeting for the champion of the Plots. Furthermore, the manager of Balla Gaye 2, Max Mbargane, took stock of another major fight in preparation: that between the Lion of Guédiawaye and Siteu. According to his statements, negotiations with the promoter Albourakh Events are “very advanced”.

“Albourakh Events has not withdrawn from the Siteu – Balla Gaye 2 fight. Negotiations are very advanced in fact. It’s a shock that requires many millions of francs. They wanted to land a few partners before finalizing it,” explained Max Mbargane. The stamp and the opponent are already defined, adds the technical director of the Lansar team. According to his confidences, Aziz Ndiaye and his younger brother Baye Ndiaye, on behalf of their label Albourakh Events, wish to organize the two shocks – Balla Gaye 2 against Siteu and Balla Gaye 2 against Modou Lô – a few months apart.

→ ALSO READ: LAMB: Balla Gaye 2 publicly attacks Modou Lo

→ ALSO READ: LAMB: The enormous fee claimed by Siteu to face Balla Gaye 2


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