DayFR Euro

The price of water will increase in Perwez: “to have quality water in sufficient quantity, you have to go through that.”

“It would be intellectual dishonesty to make people believe that by investing 2.5 million, even if there is a subsidy of 750,000 euros, the price of water will not increasereplied the mayor. But to have quality water in sufficient quantity, you have to go through that.”

Today, the price charged by the Municipality of Perwez is lower than its competitors. Will this still be the case after these expenses? “We are well below the price of other operators and our objective is to maintain it. The others also offer good services, with quality water. The day our price is less attractive, we will discuss a resumption of the network by another operator We will build an economic model within the framework of a commission or a working group, to guarantee the future of the water network.

An intervention which challenged Jean-Marc Aldric, and that is even an understatement. “It would indeed be nonsense for the price to be higher than the competitors. But the decision to move the collection site was taken… before having this answer. It would have been necessary to know the price which will be applied after the investment, before even starting this file. Will the price of water in Perwez exceed that of the SWDE? This is why we delayed at the time?explains the man who was an alderman before the Ensemble group took power in 2018.


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