Horoscope of the day of Monday 23 December 2024: today's predictions on love, work, money and luck for all signs. Today's horoscope, Monday 23 December 2024: here's how the 12 will spend the day zodiac signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Balance, Scorpio, SagittariusCapricorn, AcquariumPisces) and which signs will be lucky in love, work and everyday life. (Sicilian newspaper)
On other newspapers
Alessandro Borghese is ready to leave again with the famous '4 Ristoranti' van. From today, in fact, the well-known show cooking which puts the best restaurateurs in Italy in competition with each other begins again: a special edition in honor of the tenth anniversary of the programme. (Il Giornale dell'Umbria – Umbria's online newspaper)
A lot can be learned these days, given that Mercury is once again opposite Jupiter, but it could also indicate some dinner with relatives without too much mincing words. (Cosmopolitan)
Sagittarius from November 23rd to December 21st (Dire)
The most important facts, holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, characteristics of those born today and the luckiest signs. Read the whole news (Virgilio)
Let's see what the stars say for today with Luca Nicolaj's horoscope for Monday 23 December Ariesexperiment in sweetness The week begins with the sweet company of the Moon, which from your complementary sign looks you in the eyes and speaks to you about love, inviting you to open these Christmas holidays with courtship. (quotidianodipuglia.it)
The Moon is in the sign of Balance. The tip of the day is: «Communicate openly». (leggo.it)
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