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Blue Economy, the Region identifies Torre Annunziata. Donnarumma: ‘Important result for the city’

Redeem the social fabric of Torre Annunziata, create employment opportunities and exploit the natural heritage. These are the objectives aimed at by the Administration led by Mayor Corrado Cuccurullo. An ambitious project that focuses on the sea resource, an authentic driving force for development.

A vision of sustainable economy promoted by the Agro Green Observatory of the Campania Region chaired by Regional Councilor Francesco Iovino. Torre Annunziata was recently named capital of the Blue Economy, a recognition that has set in motion a series of ideas and initiatives born with the aim of exploiting everything the sea offers. The project is managed by Sofia Felicia Donnarummalawyer and municipal councilor in Torre Annunziata.

“The Observatory was created specifically to identify the right strategies to create youth businesses and start-ups that exploit the sea resource – explains Donnarumma – We intend to create a branch in our city too. Having an office allows us to be able to request a series of funding to the Campania Region, including one of 3 million euros Funds necessary to carry out the activities we have planned”.

The leader of the Progressives and Democrats, as well as president of the Commission for Social Policiesanticipates that the camper of the Regional Observatory will arrive in the city on December 23rd. “An important event that will take place just a stone’s throw from the Mappatella beach. This is a first concrete initiative that pave the way for a series of events planned to develop the Blue Economy in our territory. An opportunity to present the beginning of the activities and objectives we intend to achieve”.

There are many proposals for Torre Annunziata, including a Summer School on sea activities and a flying seaplane base. “Our city must focus on the natural resource for a relaunch. It could be the key to creating new jobs – explains Donnarumma – The idea is to network with entrepreneurs from the nautical center and with local schools to give the start of a series of projects that could make a difference in our city”.

The nomination as capital of the Blue Economy comes at the same time as the redevelopment of the port hub in via Caracciolo, which will be completed shortly. “Let’s not forget that in Torre Annunziata we also have the ITS Academy, the Southern Maritime Academy. Ours is the third largest port in the Campania Region and we have the duty to fully exploit the resources that the territory offers us. It will be essential to raise awareness among adults and children on the importance of protecting the environment, the main direction of this project”, concludes Donnarumma.

Redeem the social fabric of Torre Annunziata, create employment opportunities and exploit the natural heritage. These are the objectives aimed at by the Administration led by Mayor Corrado Cuccurullo. An ambitious project that focuses on the sea resource, an authentic driving force for development.

A vision of sustainable economy promoted by the Agro Green Observatory of the Campania Region chaired by Regional Councilor Francesco Iovino. Torre Annunziata was recently named capital of the Blue Economy, a recognition that has set in motion a series of ideas and initiatives born with the aim of exploiting everything the sea offers. The project is managed by Sofia Felicia Donnarummalawyer and municipal councilor in Torre Annunziata.

“The Observatory was created specifically to identify the right strategies to create youth businesses and start-ups that exploit the sea resource – explains Donnarumma – We intend to create a branch in our city too. Having an office allows us to be able to request a series of funding to the Campania Region, including one of 3 million euros Funds necessary to carry out the activities we have planned”.

The leader of the Progressives and Democrats, as well as president of the Commission for Social Policiesanticipates that the camper of the Regional Observatory will arrive in the city on December 23rd. “An important event that will take place just a stone’s throw from the Mappatella beach. This is a first concrete initiative that pave the way for a series of events planned to develop the Blue Economy in our territory. An opportunity to present the beginning of the activities and objectives we intend to achieve”.

There are many proposals for Torre Annunziata, including a Summer School on sea activities and a flying seaplane base. “Our city must focus on the natural resource for a relaunch. It could be the key to creating new jobs – explains Donnarumma – The idea is to network with entrepreneurs from the nautical center and with local schools to give the start of a series of projects that could make a difference in our city”.

The nomination as capital of the Blue Economy comes at the same time as the redevelopment of the port hub in via Caracciolo, which will be completed shortly. “Let’s not forget that in Torre Annunziata we also have the ITS Academy, the Southern Maritime Academy. Ours is the third largest port in the Campania Region and we have the duty to fully exploit the resources that the territory offers us. It will be essential to raise awareness among adults and children on the importance of protecting the environment, the main direction of this project”, concludes Donnarumma.

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