You are referring to the complaint with civil party filing filed Tuesday by the FIDH and its Palestinian and French member organizations against Yoel O., a Franco-Israeli soldier whom they accuse of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, torture and complicity in these crimes committed against Palestinians. Yoel O. had already been targeted in the context of a first complaint filed against X on April 17. But it was dismissed by the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office for “insufficiently characterized offense”.
The complaint is based, in fact, on a video, made by the soldier and broadcast on Telegram messaging. It identifies Palestinian detainees dressed in white overalls, with their hands tied and blindfolded, being subjected to insults in French by the soldier in question. “Have you seen those bastards, nephew? (…) he pissed himself. I’ll show you his back, you’ll laugh, they tortured him to make him talk.”we can hear amid the flood of insults. At least one of the detainees shows visible signs of torture, including lacerations on his back. It is not known whether Yoel O. participated in the torture.
In the next sequence, inmates are sitting on the ground. “You were happy on October 7, you sons of bitches”continues the author of the video. In a third sequence, we see them on a bus. According to the plaintiffs, after an initial interrogation, the prisoners would be “sorted”. Some are released, others taken to Israel and “placed incommunicado, in inhumane detention conditions, then tried for charges linked to “terrorism” by military courts ignoring all rights of defense”. The Jewish state considers them as “illegal combatants” and refuses them the protection provided by the 3e Geneva Convention.
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