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During a hunt, a stalked deer causes two road accidents

the essential
Alongside a hunt, a deer caused two road accidents. Wounded, the animal did not survive its injuries. A new incident which revives the debate between opponents and supporters of this ancestral practice.

While the hunt is in full swing, a road incident reignites tensions with environmental defenders. Saturday December 14 around noon, a deer chased by the Futaie des Amis crew on Mont Saint-Mard (Oise), caused two accidents while crossing the road, reports Actu Oise.

The first occurs when the deer tries to jump over a sedan. Unable to avoid it, the animal is injured by touching the roof of the vehicle. But a second vehicle – a van – coming in front, in turn hit the deer, heavily damaging the hood. The passengers, although shocked, escaped unhurt. The animal, seriously injured according to witnesses, died a few hundred meters further. An incident which, however, did not prevent the hunt from continuing, criticizes the defense association AVA (Abolissons la Vénerie Today), present on the scene at the time of the collisions.

“25,000 incidents recorded each year”

This incident reignites tensions between opponents and supporters of hunting with hounds. Stanislas Broniszewski, spokesperson for the AVA collective, points out a dangerous and outdated practice: “Releasing dogs into the wild without control can only generate chaos and accidents. In addition, local residents often feel unsafe when they see animals being stalked in populated areas.”

A point of view contested by the spokesperson for the Société de Vénerie Antoine Gallon. Recalling the security measures put in place, the latter maintains that “it would be more constructive to work towards better cohabitation between human activities and wildlife.”

According to the environmental organization, insurance companies record “25,000 incidents each year”.



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