Saint-Pierre-le-Moûtier. Well done CLS! There has been plenty of energy in the teams at the Long Stay Center (CLS) for several weeks. The enthusiasm of Claudine, Stéphane and Pascale was contagious and many other CLS employees joined the project.
The idea of the first Christmas market, in the structure, was able to see the light of day, once the goodwill of the teams was released. Everything had been planned… even the weather was ideal. From the morning, the exhibitors took over the parking lot with their booths so that the market could be officially declared “open” at 11 a.m.
Two hundred visitors
The numerous stands, all very well stocked, were visited all day. It must be said that between wines, cheeses, beauty products and perfumes, flowers, biscuits, sweet and savory treats, fashion accessories, mushrooms and jams, nougats, honey and sweets, couture and jewelry creations, oils local crafts, the mulled wine, the crepes, the food truck, the market had nothing to envy of its “brothers” in the big cities.
More than two hundred visitors wandered around all day, to the delight of residents, who had not seen so many people in their residence for a long time. They too participated in this moment, by making various decorative objects which were successful.
Around 4 p.m., the arrival of Santa Claus also helped to reinforce the beautiful atmosphere established since the morning, by distributing papillotes. And to finish, the troop of bell ringers Les Échos de Tronçais came, graciously, to end this day in style, on a musical note which was appreciated by all for more than an hour.
“Everyone worked for the success of this day, without counting their pain. Since Monday we have been on deck and this evening we will finish around 10 p.m. But what a pleasure to make people happy this holiday season! It was a great experience. We are all very happy (organizers, residents and exhibitors) with this beautiful moment shared and which strengthens our desire to live together,” said the organizers with one voice.
“The joy and warm smiles were contagious at CLS,” confirmed, for his part, the director, Jean-Louis Carré.