DayFR Euro

Caf will pay it later, the date is approaching

18:02 – I was on RSA in March but I no longer receive it: am I still entitled to the Christmas bonus?

No. To benefit from the Christmas bonus, you must receive one of the aids triggering the payment of the bonus during the month of November 2024. Thus, a person who left the RSA during the year and who does not receive it in November will not receive the Christmas bonus in December.

16:55 – When will the Christmas bonus be visible on my Caf account?

According to the Family Allowance Fund, the payment of the Christmas bonus will only be visible in your account a few days before the payment, or even the day before the date. This should therefore only appear on December 16 or 17 in your personal space.

How much is the Christmas bonus?

The amount of the Christmas bonus depends on your social situation and, possibly, your family situation. Clearly, the amount of the Christmas bonus does not depend on your income. Are you benefiting from the Christmas bonus from Pôle emploi, being unemployed at the end of your rights? In this case, Pôle emploi pays a fixed amount, whatever the family situation. It amounts to 152,45 euros.

If you benefit from the CAF Christmas bonus (because you are on RSA for example), the amount depends on your family situation. It is between 152,45 euros for a single person and 442,10 euros for a couple with four children (to which are added 60,98 euros per additional person). Here is the list of the amounts of the Christmas bonus depending on your family situation:

  • 152,45 euros : single person
  • 228,67 euros : single person with 1 child or person in a couple without children
  • 274,41 euros : single person with 2 children or person in a couple with 1 child
  • 320,14 euros : couple with 2 children
  • 335,39 euros : single person with 3 children
  • 381,12 euros : couple with 3 children
  • 396,37 euros : single person with 4 children
  • 442,10 euros : couple with 4 children

Since 2009, the amounts of the Christmas bonus have been unchanged. Furthermore, it should be noted that in 2024, the government has not renewed the 35% increase in amounts for single-parent families.

12:01 – Will I receive a different RSA transfer for the Christmas bonus?

While social benefits are paid on the 5th of each month, the question of whether the Caf, the MSA or Travail will make a consolidated payment of the total aid or not may arise. The answer is clear: the Christmas bonus will arrive via a different transfer from social benefits. These fell on December 5 and the Christmas bonus from December 17.

07:39 – Will it be necessary to declare the Christmas bonus for taxes?

No ! The question comes up often but, like other social assistance, the Christmas bonus is not taxable. It does not have to be mentioned on the annual income tax return. So no worries.

13/12/24 – 7:28 p.m. – What paper do I need to fill out to receive the Christmas bonus?

Whether or not you are a beneficiary of the Christmas bonus, keep in mind that there is absolutely no action to take. You do not have to prove that you are eligible for the Christmas bonus since its granting and payment are automatic, with a possible income tax notice or declaration situation for example. Do not contact CAF, MSA or Pôle emploi, all three of which are responsible for payment. The three organizations do not have the power to choose to allocate the Christmas bonus to this or that recipient since the list is strictly specified by decree by the government.

13/12/24 – 6:03 p.m. – I work but receive a low salary and I have the activity bonus: will the Christmas bonus be paid to me

No. The Christmas bonus is only awarded to people receiving one of the social minimums. This does not concern workers, even with the most modest incomes, such as those who earn the minimum wage and receive the activity bonus in addition.

13/12/24 – 5:14 p.m. – When will the Christmas bonus arrive in my bank account?

The money will not arrive in the account directly on Tuesday December 17 because it is on this date that the CAF, the MSA and France Travail will order the transfers. It is then necessary to allow a delta of a few days for the amount to be credited, between one and three days. The Christmas bonus will therefore be in bank accounts between Wednesday 18 and Friday 20 December or, at the latest, Saturday 21.

13/12/24 – 5:00 p.m. – Christmas bonus paid later than expected

While it was to be paid this Friday, December 13, the Christmas bonus will finally arrive later in the bank accounts. The Ministry of Solidarity announced a new timetable, thus contradicting the first announcement made by the now ex-minister Paul Christophe. The Christmas bonus will finally be paid on Tuesday December 17, 2024 to the beneficiaries.

13/12/24 – 07:18 – Why will 4,300 French people only receive 50% of the Christmas bonus?

Among the contingent of people eligible for the Christmas bonus, a little over 4,000 are not entitled to the same amounts. In fact, beneficiaries of the bonus domiciled in Mayotte only receive 50% of what is received in mainland France or in other overseas departments. This is a local specificity because the inhabitants of the island, which only became a department in 2011, still have large salary differences with the mainland.



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