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Reynès Municipal Council: a copious agenda

For the last session of the year, Sylvain Garcia was appointed session secretary. After the approval of the report of November 7 with 11 votes in favor and 3 abstentions in favor “lack of precision regarding the elements of the PLU”the copious agenda was led by Mayor Guy Gatounes.

The length of municipal roads has been updated, rural roads and dirt, bitumen or concrete roads, in order to be able to calculate the amount of the overall operating allocation. Following a citizen consultation launched in August concerning the future of the restaurant Le court-bouillon, closed and temporarily transformed into a school canteen, it appears that the choice, validated by the town hall, is the opening of a café -restaurant with family cuisine. The mayor gave a detailed reading of the presentation of the future café-restaurant with its particularities, its missions, its obligations…

It was then a question of the succession of Gisèle Romans née Favaron, who wished to make the city of Reynès her universal legatee. Assets and liabilities are detailed. A house clearance will be carried out and the amount of these sales paid to the schools. Véronique Canet spoke for the human resources section, with the compensation plan taking into account functions, constraints, expertise and professional commitment in the State civil service (Rifseep), the staffing table , recruitment and remuneration of agents. The population census survey will be organized by INSEE in partnership with the municipality from January 16 to February 25, 2025 by three enumerators.

A digital advisor service will be held on Thursday January 16 and 30 at the town hall to help people who wish it.

Finally, Florence Carlier, the finance assistant, took stock of the opening of investment credits on the main budget up to 25% to liquidate and mandate investment expenditure before the vote on the 2025 budget. This point, as well as the previous ones, having been adopted unanimously, the session was adjourned.


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